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9/6/2012 15:46 All Racing Finished -  
9/6/2012 15:46 All Racing Finished -  
9/6/2012 15:45 All Racing Finished -  
9/6/2012 15:45 All Racing Finished -  
9/6/2012 15:45 All Racing Finished -  
9/6/2012 15:45 All Racing Finished -  
9/6/2012 15:45 All Racing Finished -  
9/6/2012 15:45 All Racing Finished -  
9/6/2012 15:45 All Racing Finished -  
9/6/2012 15:44 All Racing Finished -  
9/6/2012 15:31 Finn 41 (Giles SCOTT) wins medal race -  
9/6/2012 15:28 Latest Podium Predictions ::SCOTT,AINSLIE ,POSTMA -  
9/6/2012 15:25 Lots of traffic around windward mark, Finn 11 (Daniel BIRGMARK) -  
9/6/2012 15:22 Latest Predictations (after capsize)::SCOTT, AINSLIE, POSTMA -  
9/6/2012 15:18 Medal Predictations (last mark)::SCOTT ,AINSLIE ,RAILEY -  
9/6/2012 15:17 Finn 3 (Ben AINSLIE) Capsized -  
9/6/2012 15:02 Off fleet split left, Finn 4 (Zach RAILEY) leading up the beat -  
9/6/2012 15:00 They off -  
9/6/2012 14:58 Already for a big race -  
9/6/2012 14:57 Already for a big race -  
9/6/2012 14:54 Medall Predictations::FRA BONTEMPS,NED VAN RIJSSELBERGE ,GBR DEMPSEY -  
9/6/2012 14:51 Course L2 for the medla race -  
9/6/2012 14:51 Course L2 for the medal race. -  
9/6/2012 14:43 Medal Predicatations::BONTEMPS, VAN RIJSSELBERGE, DEMPSEY - lots of place changes, podiums changing all the time -  
9/6/2012 14:33 Most of fleet heading to left towards harbour, BRA and other went right -  
9/6/2012 14:33 Hitting 16 knots upwind -  
9/6/2012 14:30 RSXm are off -  
9/6/2012 14:30 All clear start for the medal race. -  
9/6/2012 14:22 All boats back ashore after medal race. -  
9/6/2012 14:21 Medal Race course LS4 -  
9/6/2012 14:21 Medal Race course LS4 -  
9/6/2012 14:15 Medal Race Predictations::GBR PERCY ,BRA SCHEIDT,IRL OLEARY - very close at top -  
9/6/2012 14:04 Mark 1::8237, Star 8418 (Peter OLEARY/David BURROWS (IRL)), Star 8433 (Michael HESTBÆK/Claus OLESEN (DEN)),8461 -  
9/6/2012 13:52 All boats ashore after medal race. -  
9/6/2012 13:52 All boats ashore after medal race -  
9/6/2012 13:51 All boats ashore after medal race. -  
9/6/2012 13:51 All boats ashore after medal race. -  
9/6/2012 13:50 All boats ashore after medal race. -  
9/6/2012 13:50 All clear line for start of medal race. -  
9/6/2012 13:42 Course L2 for the medal race. -  
9/6/2012 13:40 Fleet starting to launch for medal race. -  
9/6/2012 13:40 1st RSX Women 8 (Zofia NOCETI-KLEPACKA) -  
9/6/2012 13:40 Orange flag displayed 10 minutes to start of medal race. -  
9/6/2012 13:36 Leading windsurfers starting to go round the slalom -  
9/6/2012 13:34 RSX Women 8 (Zofia NOCETI-KLEPACKA) still leading round the bottom mark -  
9/6/2012 13:31 Fleet going out left -  
9/6/2012 13:29 RSX Women 8 (Zofia NOCETI-KLEPACKA) leading -  
9/6/2012 13:23 Fleet at slipway -  
9/6/2012 13:20 All clear start for the medal race. -  
9/6/2012 13:16 Warning flag displayed five minutes to start course LS4. -  
9/6/2012 13:10 49er 4 (Emmanuel DYEN/Stephane CHRISTIDIS (FRA)) take th win in the medal race with 49er 1296 (Stevie MORRISON/Ben RHODES (GBR)) in second -  
9/6/2012 13:09 Fleet starting to launch for medal race. -  
9/6/2012 13:02 If race finishes as current positions DYEN and OUTTERIDGE locked on 33 points - neck a neck here in building breeze -  
9/6/2012 13:02 Spanish and Swedish teams have capsized -  
9/6/2012 13:00 Latest Medal Predications (windward mark)::DYEN, OUTTERIDGE, MORRISON -  
9/6/2012 12:59 French start to increase their lead over the rest of the fleet -  
9/6/2012 12:52 French pushing hard in the medal race to try and take gold -  
9/6/2012 12:47 49er 4 (Emmanuel DYEN/Stephane CHRISTIDIS (FRA)) round in first 49er 1296 (Stevie MORRISON/Ben RHODES (GBR)) chasing -  
9/6/2012 12:44 Most boats going out to the left -  
9/6/2012 12:41 49er 1296 (Stevie MORRISON/Ben RHODES (GBR)) go out to the left and controlling the fleet -  
9/6/2012 12:40 Medal race start all clear. -  
9/6/2012 12:33 Medal Predictations at a close finish:1) NZL ALEH, 2)GBR MILLS,3)BRA GRAEL -  
9/6/2012 12:31 Orange raised 10 minutes to start -  
9/6/2012 12:30 Latest Medal Predictions::ALEH, MILLS, GRAEL -  
9/6/2012 12:30 Fleet starting to launch. -  
9/6/2012 12:30 Brazilian and British team battling it out on the downwind -  
9/6/2012 12:18 Current Medal Predictations::ALEH,GRAEL,LECOINTRE -  
9/6/2012 12:17 Alison Young arrives ashore to big cheer after taking Gold -  
9/6/2012 12:14 16 knots of breeze across the race course -  
9/6/2012 12:10 Windward mark: 1st Cohen, Bouskila 2nd Clark, Lihan 3rd Koch, Sommer -  
9/6/2012 12:03 49ers start to launch -  
9/6/2012 12:02 Fleet starting to launch for the medal race. -  
9/6/2012 12:00 All clear start for the medal race. -  
9/6/2012 11:55 Warning displayed course L3 -  
9/6/2012 11:54 Medal Race Predictations::YOUNG ,MULTALA ,MURPHY -  
9/6/2012 11:54 Finish: Murphy 2nd young 3rd multala -  
9/6/2012 11:50 Medal Race Predictations::YOUNG ,MULTALA ,MURPHY -  
9/6/2012 11:47 Young still in second. -  
9/6/2012 11:47 1st Murphy 2nd Young 3rd Multala -  
9/6/2012 11:41 Latest Medal Predictions::YOUNG ,XU ,MULTALA - very close lots of chnages -  
9/6/2012 11:39 49ers in the pit lane -  
9/6/2012 11:38 Fleet starting to arrive back ashore. -  
9/6/2012 11:35 Dramatic scenes on the radial medal race as there are capsizes and mark hitting -  
9/6/2012 11:34 Fleet starting to arrive in pit lane. -  
9/6/2012 11:33 Capsize for Olsson -  
9/6/2012 11:30 Marit BOUWMEESTER has a penalty -  
9/6/2012 11:25 Annalise MURPHY has a small lead to Marit BOUWMEESTER -  
9/6/2012 11:23 Medal race has started -  
9/6/2012 11:19 Great weather and racing here in Weymouth -  
9/6/2012 11:11 470 Women making final preperations before launching -  
9/6/2012 11:10 Medal Race Finish: 1st Belcher, Page 2nd Patience, Bithell, 3rd Fantela, Marenic -  
9/6/2012 11:10 Finishing AUS,GBR -  
9/6/2012 11:10 Orange raised for medal race. -  
9/6/2012 11:07 3rd windward Mark: BELCHER ,PATIENCE ,SNOW-HANSEN -  
9/6/2012 11:05 Close racing in the 470s -  
9/6/2012 11:03 Fleet starting to launch. -  
9/6/2012 11:00 2nd windward mark: 1st Mathew BELCHER Malcolm PAGE 2nd Luke PATIENCE Stuart BITHELL 3rd Sime FANTELAIgor MARENIC -  
9/6/2012 11:00 Medal Predictions::BELCHER ,PATIENCE ,SNOW-HANSEN -  
9/6/2012 10:54 470 women start to make their way to the pit lane -  
9/6/2012 10:54 Fleet starting to arrive back after the medal race. -  
9/6/2012 10:53 Patience and bithell Gaining on Belcher and Page -  
9/6/2012 10:49 First Gate: 1st Mathew BELCHER Malcolm PAGE 2nd Mathew BELCHER Malcolm PAGE 3rd Sime FANTEL Igor MARENIC -  
9/6/2012 10:47 windward mark: 1st Luke PATIENCEStuart BITHELL 2ndMathew BELCHER Malcolm PAGE 3rd Sime FANTEL Igor MARENIC -  
9/6/2012 10:45 Fleet starting to line up in the pit lane. -  
9/6/2012 10:45 close racing coming up to the first windward mark -  
9/6/2012 10:42 Fleet starting to launch for the medal race. -  
9/6/2012 10:41 All clear start for the medal race. -  
9/6/2012 10:35 Warning displayed five minutes to start course L3 -  
9/6/2012 10:35 Medal Predictions::SLINGSBY,BUHL,BURTON -  
9/6/2012 10:32 Getting very close as we near the finish - Slingsby will take Gold as we stand -  
9/6/2012 10:31 Orange flag displayed 10 minutes to start. -  
9/6/2012 10:24 Wind 250 at 12 knots. -  
9/6/2012 10:24 A long port tack, Macgregor still looks to be ahead -  
9/6/2012 10:24 Macgregor leads around WW1 by a couple of lengths. Price within striking distance. They both gybe... -  
9/6/2012 10:24 Gybe and big luff from Macgregor just before zone. GBR rounds ahead, just... -  
9/6/2012 10:22 Tom Slingsby starts to match race Paul Goodison as they extend from the fleet -  
9/6/2012 10:20 Medal Predictions:: SLINGSBY,GOODISON,BUHL -  
9/6/2012 10:19 Goodison close to Slingsby on the downwind -  
9/6/2012 10:17 Macgregor in controlling position just to windward as they cross the line right at the pin -  
9/6/2012 10:16 Fleet heading to pit lane. -  
9/6/2012 10:15 More close circling... before Price leads away with Macgregor hot on their heels -  
9/6/2012 10:13 After a couple of feverish circles Macgregor chases Price deep into the box -  
9/6/2012 10:12 Foxtrot up for second match in QF4, Price leads Macgregor 1-0. -  
9/6/2012 10:11 1st Tom Slingsby, 2nd Paul Goodison, 3rd Tom Burton -  
9/6/2012 10:08 Waiting for repair on a damaged spinnaker -  
9/6/2012 10:07 Penalty for Andrew Murdoch -  
9/6/2012 10:04 Most of the fleet goes out right -  
9/6/2012 10:03 Paul Goodison heads out to the left -  
9/6/2012 10:00 Medal race start all clear -  
9/6/2012 09:55 Warning displayed five minutes to start. -  
9/6/2012 09:51 Fleet starting to launch. -  
9/6/2012 09:46 WMR: F39M4: Olivia Price (AUS) beat Lucy Macgregor (GBR) -  
9/6/2012 09:44 Price leads around WW2 but Macgregor close and attacking -  
9/6/2012 09:44 Simultaneous gybes... Macgregor gets second penalty. -  
9/6/2012 09:43 Price holds Macgregor out to the right at top of beat -  
9/6/2012 09:40 GBR rounds WW1 ahead of by USA by three lengths. Big gust as they gybe and plane downwind. -  
9/6/2012 09:40 Macgregor has bad gybe and Price rolls them. Penalty on GBR at LW mark -  
9/6/2012 09:40 Close tacking duel on second beat -  
9/6/2012 09:39 Macgregor and Price in pre-start, much circling deep in box. AUS chasing back towards line -  
9/6/2012 09:39 Both boats a little late, GBR ahead and to windward as they cross the line. -  
9/6/2012 09:39 Macgregor defending the right hand side of the beat as they near the windward mark -  
9/6/2012 09:30 Fleet heading to pit lane -  
9/6/2012 09:24 Lasers Launching -  
9/6/2012 09:17 So Skudina, Leroy and Tunnicliffe are through to semis. About to get underway with QF4 - Price v Macgregor -  
9/6/2012 09:17 The first three quarter finals have been decided: RUS, FRA, and USA will advance to the semi finals. Just about to start QF4: GBR v AUS. -  
9/6/2012 09:12 Pit Lane Line Up -  
9/6/2012 09:11 WMR: F40M2: Claire Leroy (FRA) beat Stephanie Hazard (NZL) -  
9/6/2012 09:11 WMR: F40M3: Anna Tunnicliffe (USA) beat Silja Lehtinen (FIN) -  
9/6/2012 09:10 WMR: F40M1: Ekaterina Skudina (RUS) beat Tamara Echegoyen (ESP) -  
9/6/2012 09:01 QF3 FIN leads USA off the line -  
9/6/2012 09:01 Tunnicliffe and Lehtinen holding head to wind but peels off and makes better start. Tacking duel but FIN leads -  
9/6/2012 08:48 Skudina holds Echegoyen out and bangs the far left corner. Leads on long port tack back to WW1 -  
9/6/2012 08:45 Echegoyen ahead but Skudina to windward in controlling position, pinning them left -  
9/6/2012 08:42 Diving very deep behind line in match 1, Skudina chasing Echegoyen back towards the line -  
9/6/2012 08:39 Foxtrot up for second flight if QF -  
9/6/2012 08:38 Pit Lane being prepared -  
9/6/2012 08:38 First QF flight - Wins for RUS, FRA, and USA. In sequence for the 2nd QF flight now. First to 2 points wins. -  
9/6/2012 08:35 WMR: F39M3: Anna Tunnicliffe (USA) beat Silja Lehtinen (FIN) -  
9/6/2012 08:34 QF3- USA wins after FIN skipper spins out. -  
9/6/2012 08:34 She holds on but Lehtinen's team are in a bit of a pickle and broach. Tunnicliffe takes the win -  
9/6/2012 08:31 Lehtinen falls overboard! -  
9/6/2012 08:30 At WW2 Lehtinen rounds ahead of Tunnicliffe by a couple of lengths for their final blast downwind -  
9/6/2012 08:29 Still close in QF2, Leroy rounds WW2 with two lengths lead -  
9/6/2012 08:29 Big luff from Leroy on last run, looks like penalty on Hazard -  
9/6/2012 08:29 F39M2: Claire Leroy (FRA) beat Stephanie Hazard (NZL) -  
9/6/2012 08:29 In QF3 Lehtinen has taken control of the right and got ahead of Tunnicliffe on their 2nd beat -  
9/6/2012 08:28 F39M1: Ekaterina Skudina (RUS) beat Tamara Echegoyen (ESP) -  
9/6/2012 08:28 Tunnicliffe rounds WW1 ahead, though close. Several gybes downwind, Lehtinen closes but USA inside at LW and rounds ahead -  
9/6/2012 08:28 QF3 FIN leading around leeward mark. -  
9/6/2012 08:26 Tunnicliffe covering Lehtinen on their first beat. Skudina planing down with good lead. Very close LW rounding in QF2, green flag -  
9/6/2012 08:26 Tunnicliffe covering Lehtinen on their first beat. Skudina planing down with good lead. Very close LW rounding in QF2, green flag -  
9/6/2012 08:25 QF2- NZL inside of FRA at leeward mark. -  
9/6/2012 08:24 Bit of separation between Skudina and Echegoyen, RUS seems to be extending on 2nd beat -  
9/6/2012 08:24 Side by side between Leroy & Hazard at WW1, Leroy rounds first. Two great spin sets -  
9/6/2012 08:23 Leroy crossing ahead of Hazard upwind, Skudina leads Echegoyen as they fly downwind -  
9/6/2012 08:23 Nip and tuck in QF2, Leroy defending the right side of the beat -  
9/6/2012 08:22 QF2 FRA leads NZL back to the line. -  
9/6/2012 08:21 Close start between Skudina and Echegoyen but they split upwind. Leroy starts to lwd but ahead of Hazard. -  
9/6/2012 08:20 QF1- RUS ahead of ESP off the line -  
9/6/2012 08:19 Good morning, in sequence for QF 1,2,3. QF4 to be sailed after. In harbor nr WPNSA, blue skies, flat water great breeze! -  
9/6/2012 08:19 QFs: QF1: Echegoyen-ESP v. Skudina-RUS; QF2: Hazard-NZL v. Leroy-FRA; QF3: Lehtinen-FIN v. Tunnicliffe-USA; QF4: Macgregor-GBR v. Price-AUS. -  
9/6/2012 08:10 SSFG_WMR: Close start between Skudina and Echegoyen but they split upwind. Leroy starts to lwd but ahead of Hazard. -  
9/6/2012 08:06 SSFG_WMR: QF1- RUS ahead of ESP off the line -  
9/6/2012 08:04 SSFG_WMR: QFs: QF1: Echegoyen-ESP v. Skudina-RUS; QF2: Hazard-NZL v. Leroy-FRA; QF3: Lehtinen-FIN v. Tunnicliffe-USA; QF4: Macgregor-GBR v. Price-AUS. -  
9/6/2012 08:02 SSFG_WMR: Good morning, in sequence for QF 1,2,3. QF4 to be sailed after. In harbor nr WPNSA, blue skies, flat water great breeze! -  
9/6/2012 07:35 WMR fleet rigging and starting to prepare to leave the dock -  
9/6/2012 06:24 Saturday Medal Race and Finals::The wind has moderated, the sun is shining - looks like we have a great day in store. Pit Lane opens 09:00, and Match first start -8:00 -  
9/6/2012 00:59 Fleet starting to arrive back ashore after the medal race. -  
9/6/2012 00:51 Latest Medal Predications::DYEN, OUTTERIDGE, MORRISON -  
9/6/2012 00:32 470 Women 1736 (Amanda CLARK/Sarah LIHAN (USA)) take the bullet in the final meters from 470 Women 311 (Gil COHEN/Vered BOUSKILA (ISR)) who take Second -  
9/6/2012 00:29 W mark 1st 470 Women 311 (Gil COHEN/Vered BOUSKILA (ISR)) 2nd 470 Women 1736 (Amanda CLARK/Sarah LIHAN (USA)) -  
9/6/2012 00:27 W Mark 1st 470 Women 311 (Gil COHEN/Vered BOUSKILA (ISR)) 2nd 470 Women 1736 (Amanda CLARK/Sarah LIHAN (USA)) 3rd 470 Women 75 (Jo ALEH/Olivia Polly POWRIE (NZL)) -  
9/6/2012 00:19 L Mark: 1st 470 Women 311 (Gil COHEN/Vered BOUSKILA (ISR)) 2nd 470 Women 1736 (Amanda CLARK/Sarah LIHAN (USA)) 3rd 470 Women 21 (Kathrin KADELBACH/Friederike BELCHER (GER)) -  
9/6/2012 00:16 1st 470 Women 311 (Gil COHEN/Vered BOUSKILA (ISR)) 2nd 470 Women 1736 (Amanda CLARK/Sarah LIHAN (USA) 3rd 470 Women 696 (Tara PACHECO/Berta BETANZOS (ESP)) -  
9/6/2012 00:10 Medal Predictations at first mark::ALEH,GRAEL,LECOINTRE -  
8/6/2012 20:59 Medal Races:: Pit Lane opens 09:00 -  
8/6/2012 18:54 Start time 15:00:: Harbour Course -  
8/6/2012 18:53 Start time 13:50:: Nothe Course -  
8/6/2012 18:53 Start time 14:30:: Nothe Course -  
8/6/2012 18:50 Start time 12:40:: Harbour Course -  
8/6/2012 18:50 Start time 13:20:: Harbour Course -  
8/6/2012 18:49 Start time 12:00:: Nothe Course -  
8/6/2012 18:48 Start time 11:20:: Harbour Course -  
8/6/2012 18:47 Start time 10:40:: Nothe Course -  
8/6/2012 18:46 Start time 10:00:: Harbour Course -  
8/6/2012 16:41 SSFG_WMR: The women's match racing is set to go at 0800 tomorrow with the Quarter-Finals! -  
8/6/2012 14:38 AP over A raised racing postponed no more racing today. -  
8/6/2012 14:38 AP over A raised racing postponed no more racing today. -  
8/6/2012 14:37 AP over A raised racing postponed no more racing today. -  
8/6/2012 14:37 AP over A raised racing postponed no more racing today. -  
8/6/2012 14:36 AP over A raised racing postponed no more racing today. -  
8/6/2012 14:36 AP over A raised racing postponed no more racing today. -  
8/6/2012 14:35 AP over A raised racing postponed no more racing today. -  
8/6/2012 14:35 AP over A raised racing postponed no more racing today. -  
8/6/2012 14:34 AP over A raised racing postponed no more racing today. -  
8/6/2012 14:33 AP over A raised no more racing today. -  
8/6/2012 14:28 AP over A raised racing postponed no more racing today. -  
8/6/2012 14:26 AP over A raised racing postponed no more racing today. -  
8/6/2012 13:48 AP raised indefinite postponement. -  
8/6/2012 13:48 AP raised indefinite postponement. -  
8/6/2012 13:48 AP raised indefinite postponement. -  
8/6/2012 13:47 AP raised indefinite postponement. -  
8/6/2012 13:47 AP raised indefinite postponement. -  
8/6/2012 13:46 AP raised indefinite postponement. -  
8/6/2012 13:46 AP raised indefinite postponement. -  
8/6/2012 13:45 AP raised indefinite postponement. -  
8/6/2012 13:45 AP raised indefinite postponement. -  
8/6/2012 13:44 AP raised indefinite postponement. -  
8/6/2012 13:43 AP raised indefinite postponement. -  
8/6/2012 13:42 AP raised indefinite postponement. -  
8/6/2012 12:50 N over A raised racing abandoned. -  
8/6/2012 12:50 N over A raised racing abandoned. -  
8/6/2012 12:50 N over A raised racing abandoned. -  
8/6/2012 12:49 N over A raised racing abandoned. -  
8/6/2012 12:28 2.4mrs being craned out. -  
8/6/2012 11:46 Sonars being craned out - nice and sunny here -  
8/6/2012 11:13 Latest update:: Still very windy listen to the latest update with Rod Carr on front page. -  
8/6/2012 10:53 It's still a bit windy here. They've announced that there will be no start before 14h00. Hurry up and wait. -  
8/6/2012 10:49 SSFG_WMR: It's still a bit windy here. They've announced that there will be no start before 14h00. Hurry up and wait. -  
8/6/2012 10:25 AP over 2 raised fleet postponed for 2 hours. -  
8/6/2012 10:23 AP over 2 raised fleet postponed for 2 hours. -  
8/6/2012 10:23 AP over 2 raised fleet postponed for 2 hours. -  
8/6/2012 10:22 AP over 2 raised fleet postponed for 2 hours. -  
8/6/2012 10:21 AP over 2 raised fleet postponed for 2 hours. -  
8/6/2012 10:21 AP over 2 raised fleet postponed for 2 hours. -  
8/6/2012 10:21 AP over 2 raised fleet postponed for 2 hours. -  
8/6/2012 10:20 AP over 2 raised fleet postponed for 2 hours. -  
8/6/2012 10:20 AP over 2 raised fleet postponed for 2 hours. -  
8/6/2012 10:20 AP over 2 raised fleet postponed for 2 hours. -  
8/6/2012 10:19 AP over 2 raised fleet postponed for 2 hours. -  
8/6/2012 10:19 AP over 2 raised fleet postponed for 2 hours. -  
8/6/2012 10:18 AP over 2 raised fleet postponed for 2 hours. -  
8/6/2012 10:17 AP over 2 raised fleet postponed for 2 hours. -  
8/6/2012 10:17 AP over 2 raised fleet postponed for 2 hours. -  
8/6/2012 10:17 AP over 2 raised fleet postponed for 2 hours. -  
8/6/2012 10:16 AP over 2 raised fleet postponed for 2 hours. -  
8/6/2012 10:15 AP over 2 raised fleet postponed for 2 hours. -  
8/6/2012 10:04 N over A raised no more racing. -  
8/6/2012 10:03 N over A raised no more racing. -  
8/6/2012 10:01 Fleet ashore -  
8/6/2012 10:00 Weather Update:: Forecast for wind to drop later today, hopefully in time for some racing check noticeboard for official communications -  
8/6/2012 09:30 Weather Update:: Still windy check back for updates. -  
8/6/2012 09:11 I just received a report from the venue: It's blowing a hooley down there! -  
8/6/2012 08:24 Ashore see noticeboard for details of today's racing. -  
8/6/2012 08:23 Ashore see noticeboard for details of today's racing. -  
8/6/2012 08:23 Ashore see noticeboard for details of today's racing. -  
8/6/2012 08:22 Ashore see noticeboard for details of today's racing. -  
8/6/2012 08:21 Ashore see noticeboard for details of today's racing. -  
8/6/2012 08:20 Ashore see noticeboard for details of today's racing. -  
8/6/2012 08:20 Ashore see noticeboard for details of today's racing. -  
8/6/2012 08:19 Ashore see noticeboard for details of today's racing. -  
8/6/2012 08:18 Ashore see noticeboard for details of today's racing. -  
8/6/2012 08:17 Ashore see noticeboard for details of today's racing. -  
8/6/2012 08:17 Ashore see noticeboard for details of today's racing. -  
8/6/2012 08:16 Ashore see noticeboard for details of today's racing. -  
8/6/2012 08:15 Ashore see noticeboard for details of today's racing. -  
8/6/2012 08:15 Ashore see noticeboard for details of today's racing. -  
8/6/2012 08:14 Ashore see noticeboard for details of today's racing. -  
8/6/2012 08:12 Ashore see noticeboard for details of today's racing. -  
8/6/2012 08:11 Ashore see noticeboard for details of today's racing. -  
8/6/2012 08:11 Ashore see noticeboard for details of today's racing. -  
8/6/2012 08:10 Ashore see noticeboard for details of today's racing. -  
8/6/2012 08:09 Ashore see noticeboard for details of today's racing. -  
8/6/2012 08:06 Ashore see noticeboard for details of today's racing. -  
8/6/2012 07:55 SSFG_WMR: I just received a report from the venue: "It's blowing a hooley down there!" -  
8/6/2012 05:54 Because of the weather forecast it is intended to put back the scheduled warning time for all classes on Friday 8th June to 1200h. -  
7/6/2012 17:44 All boats ashore. -  
7/6/2012 17:06 Ashore -  
7/6/2012 16:40 Update::Now getting seriously windy here, the porta cabin we are based in is starting to shake. Many sailors are sensibly taking their masts down in the dinghy park. -  
7/6/2012 16:18 AP over A is now being displayed on shore. Done for today. Check back in the morning for a new plan... -  
7/6/2012 16:16 SSFG_WMR: AP over A is now being displayed on shore. Done for today. Check back in the morning for a new plan... -  
7/6/2012 16:16 Fleet starting to finish. -  
7/6/2012 16:12 AP over A raised racing abandoned. -  
7/6/2012 16:10 AP over A raised racing abandoned. -  
7/6/2012 16:10 AP over A raised racing abandoned. -  
7/6/2012 16:09 AP over A raised racing abandoned. -  
7/6/2012 15:47 RSX Men 6 (Julien BONTEMPS) in the lead RSX Men 151 (JP TOBIN) in second RSX Men 126 (Przemysaw MIARCZYSKI) in third. -  
7/6/2012 15:44 The Women's Match Racing is also on standby. Quarter-Finals up next... -  
7/6/2012 15:44 QFs: QF1: Echegoyen-ESP v. Skudina-RUS; QF2: Hazard-NZL v. Leroy-FRA; QF3: Lehtinen-FIN v. Tunnicliffe-USA; QF4: Macgregor-GBR v. Price-AUS. -  
7/6/2012 15:41 SSFG_WMR: QFs: QF1: Echegoyen-ESP v. Skudina-RUS; QF2: Hazard-NZL v. Leroy-FRA; QF3: Lehtinen-FIN v. Tunnicliffe-USA; QF4: Macgregor-GBR v. Price-AUS. -  
7/6/2012 15:39 SSFG_WMR: The Women's Match Racing is also on standby. Quarter-Finals up next... -  
7/6/2012 15:35 AP removed fleet starting to launch. -  
7/6/2012 15:34 Sailing a LS3 course. -  
7/6/2012 15:33 All clear start for race 8. -  
7/6/2012 15:29 Warning displayed 5 minutes to start of race 8. -  
7/6/2012 14:48 AP to be lowered fleet starting to launch. -  
7/6/2012 14:29 Finns arriving ashore, quite chaotic in the inner harbour by the slipway, very gusty and shifty. -  
7/6/2012 14:21 Weather Update::Stopped raining and the sun has come out -  
7/6/2012 14:20 28 knots on the Finn course - time to call it a day -  
7/6/2012 14:04 Finn 41 (Giles SCOTT) takes the win for race 7 followed by Finn 88 (Mark ANDREWS) -  
7/6/2012 13:57 top mark rounding race 7: Finn 41 (Giles SCOTT) Finn 88 (Mark ANDREWS) Finn 842 (Pieter Jan POSTMA) -  
7/6/2012 13:48 Racing not to be run for at least another hour. -  
7/6/2012 13:42 Finn 41 (Giles SCOTT) takes the lead on the downwind leg overtaking Finn 842 (Pieter Jan POSTMA) -  
7/6/2012 13:37 windward mark rounding for second time: Finn 842 (Pieter Jan POSTMA) Finn 41 (Giles SCOTT) Finn 1 (Brendan CASEY) -  
7/6/2012 13:35 AP over H displayed fleet on their way back in. -  
7/6/2012 13:33 18-20 knots out here, flat sea -  
7/6/2012 13:29 The WMR Race Committee is currently displaying AP over H and is returning to the harbour to wait and see what the weather does. -  
7/6/2012 13:26 SSFG_WMR: The WMR Race Committee is currently displaying AP over H and is returning to the harbour to wait and see what the weather does. -  
7/6/2012 13:25 WMR: F37M1: Anna Tunnicliffe (USA) beat Olivia Price (AUS) -  
7/6/2012 13:24 SSFG_WMR: WMR: F37M1: Anna Tunnicliffe (USA) beat Olivia Price (AUS) #ssfg -  
7/6/2012 13:18 hugely pumping downwind -  
7/6/2012 13:15 windward mark rounding: Finn 842 (Pieter Jan POSTMA) Finn 100 (Rafael TRUJILLO) Finn 41 (Giles SCOTT) -  
7/6/2012 13:06 SSFG_WMR: Looking a bit blustery as AUS leads USA back towards the line. -  
7/6/2012 13:02 Weather Update::Very wet here in Weymouth, wind building but yet to reach the really strong conditions forecasted -  
7/6/2012 13:01 WMR: F38M3: Claire Leroy (FRA) beat Lucy Macgregor (GBR) -  
7/6/2012 13:01 start of race 7 -  
7/6/2012 13:00 SSFG_WMR: In sequence for Flight 37 match 1 : USA-AUS. -  
7/6/2012 12:59 AP raised fleet postponed ashore. -  
7/6/2012 12:57 SSFG_WMR: WMR: F38M3: Claire Leroy (FRA) beat Lucy Macgregor (GBR) #ssfg -  
7/6/2012 12:56 WMR: F38M2: Ekaterina Skudina (RUS) beat Olivia Price (AUS) -  
7/6/2012 12:56 WMR: F38M1: Anna Tunnicliffe (USA) beat Silja Lehtinen (FIN) -  
7/6/2012 12:56 in starting sequence -  
7/6/2012 12:54 No more sailing today for the 49er silver. -  
7/6/2012 12:53 AP over A - no sailing today for 470 M Silver -  
7/6/2012 12:51 Finn class getting ready at the race area -  
7/6/2012 12:51 AP over A raised for 49er silver -  
7/6/2012 12:50 SSFG_WMR: WMR: F38M2: Ekaterina Skudina (RUS) beat Olivia Price (AUS) #ssfg -  
7/6/2012 12:50 GBR Alison Young wins race 8 -  
7/6/2012 12:49 postponed on shore -  
7/6/2012 12:48 27 knots on 470 course -  
7/6/2012 12:47 Tom Slingsby Wins race 8 with nearly 50 second lead! -  
7/6/2012 12:46 SSFG_WMR: WMR: F38M1: Anna Tunnicliffe (USA) beat Silja Lehtinen (FIN) #ssfg -  
7/6/2012 12:43 SSFG_WMR: Spectator boat on the Nothe Course. -  
7/6/2012 12:43 F38M3- The battle of Trafalgar - FRA-GBR - up now. -  
7/6/2012 12:43 F38M2- AUS is over early at the pin and RUS gets off the line cleanly. -  
7/6/2012 12:43 F38M3- The battle of Trafalgar - FRA-GBR - up now. -  
7/6/2012 12:43 race 8 result: 470 Men 863 (Luke PATIENCE/Stuart BITHELL (GBR)) 470 Men 83 (Sime FANTELA/Igor MARENIC (CRO)) 470 Men 11 (Mathew BELCHER/Malcolm PAGE (AUS)) -  
7/6/2012 12:43 F38M3- GBR starts to windward of FRA at the R/C boat end of the line. -  
7/6/2012 12:41 SSFG_WMR: F38M3- GBR starts to windward of FRA at the R/C boat end of the line. -  
7/6/2012 12:40 hitting slipway -  
7/6/2012 12:39 hitting slipway -  
7/6/2012 12:38 heading home -  
7/6/2012 12:38 heading home -  
7/6/2012 12:36 SSFG_WMR: F38M3- The battle of Trafalgar - FRA-GBR - up now. -  
7/6/2012 12:35 SSFG_WMR: F38M2- AUS is over early at the pin and RUS gets off the line cleanly. -  
7/6/2012 12:34 In sequence for Flight 38 : USA-FIN, RUS-AUS, FRA-GBR. (We will catch up F37M1 USA-AUS after that flight finishes.) -  
7/6/2012 12:31 SSFG_WMR: F38M1-FIN tacks back to the boat end for a split tack start as USA takes the pin end. -  
7/6/2012 12:26 Fleet starting to finish race 7. -  
7/6/2012 12:24 SSFG_WMR: In sequence for Flight 38 : USA-FIN, RUS-AUS, FRA-GBR. (We will catch up F37M1 USA-AUS after that flight finishes.) -  
7/6/2012 12:24 finish race 8: 470 Women 75 (Jo ALEH/Olivia Polly POWRIE (NZL)) 470 Women 696 (Tara PACHECO/Berta BETANZOS (ESP)) 470 Women 118 (Hannah MILLS/Saskia CLARK (GBR)) -  
7/6/2012 12:19 470 women are finishing race 8 -  
7/6/2012 12:11 leaving the slipway and heading to the race course -  
7/6/2012 12:10 SSFG_WMR: WMR: F37M3: Ekaterina Skudina (RUS) beat Lucy Macgregor (GBR) #ssfg -  
7/6/2012 12:04 F37M3- RUS leads GBR around the leeward mark by a length. -  
7/6/2012 12:04 Laser 195532 (Tom SLINGSBY) first around the first windward mark race 8 -  
7/6/2012 12:02 clear away on race 8 -  
7/6/2012 12:00 F37M3- GBR crosses the line at the pin end about a length ahead of RUS. -  
7/6/2012 11:56 11:54 start for race 7. -  
7/6/2012 11:51 Repechage Results: 1-Hazard-NZL, 2-Echegoyen-ESP, 3-Groeneveld-NED, 4-Goncalves-POR, 5-Kjellberg-SWE, 6-Hahlbrock-GER, 7-Meldgaard-DEN. -  
7/6/2012 11:51 Hazard-NZL and Echegoyen-ESP advance to the quarter-finals. -  
7/6/2012 11:51 In sequence for the 4th Gold Group Flight:Flight 37: FIN-FRA and RUS-GBR (there is a breakdown in the USA-AUS match and they are postponed). -  
7/6/2012 11:50 started race 8 -  
7/6/2012 11:49 1 minute until the start -  
7/6/2012 11:48 Race 7 Next start will be a black flag start. -  
7/6/2012 11:47 Race 7 General Recall -  
7/6/2012 11:42 currently sailing race 8 -  
7/6/2012 11:41 WMR: F33M3: Stephanie Hazard (NZL) beat Renee Groeneveld (NED) -  
7/6/2012 11:39 general recall again! -  
7/6/2012 11:39 Expected start time 11:47 course LS3 -  
7/6/2012 11:38 Orange flag displayed 10 minutes to start. -  
7/6/2012 11:36 in black flag sequence race 8 start -  
7/6/2012 11:34 race 7 top 3: 470 Men 11 (Mathew BELCHER/Malcolm PAGE (AUS)) 470 Men 83 (Sime FANTELA/Igor MARENIC (CRO)) 470 Men 212 (Paul SNOW-HANSEN/Jason SAUNDERS (NZL)) -  
7/6/2012 11:33 winner of 470 women race 7: 470 Women 75 (Jo ALEH/Olivia Polly POWRIE (NZL)) -  
7/6/2012 11:31 started race 8 clear away -  
7/6/2012 11:31 general recall -  
7/6/2012 11:23 Race 7 RSX Women 17 (Nikola GIRKE)wins the race RSX Women 5 (Marina ALABAU)in second at finish. -  
7/6/2012 11:18 Race 7 RSX Women 17 (Nikola GIRKE)leading the fleet RSX Women 5 (Marina ALABAU)in second RSX Women 8 (Zofia NOCETI-KLEPACKA)in third. -  
7/6/2012 11:15 Race 7 Fleet rounding windward mark for the second time. -  
7/6/2012 11:14 WMR: F33M2: Tamara Echegoyen (ESP) beat Lotte Meldgaard Pedersen (DEN) -  
7/6/2012 11:14 finished race 7 -  
7/6/2012 11:13 results for race 7 provisional - as seen by tracking -  
7/6/2012 11:12 WMR: F33M1: Anna Kjellberg (SWE) beat Silke Hahlbrock (GER) -  
7/6/2012 11:12 F33M3- NED has cleared her penalty and leads around the leeward mark. -  
7/6/2012 11:10 Race 7 RSX Women 8 (Zofia NOCETI-KLEPACKA) in second RSX Women 94 (Bryony SHAW) in third. -  
7/6/2012 11:09 finish race 7: Laser 201517 (Andy MALONEY) Laser 182345 (Charlie BUCKINGHAM) Laser 195532 (Tom SLINGSBY) -  
7/6/2012 11:06 Radial top mark roundings: Radial 199417 (Annalise MURPHY) with a huge lead, Radial 199059 (Sari MULTALA) Radial 201124 (RAILEY) -  
7/6/2012 11:06 RSX Women 17 (Nikola GIRKE) leading round the windward mark. in race 7. -  
7/6/2012 11:03 F33M1 - SWE leads GER aroiund the leeward mark, but SWE still has a penalty. -  
7/6/2012 11:03 F33M3- NED started in a controlling windward position off the line but she still has a penalty. -  
7/6/2012 11:01 top 3 at windward mark: Laser 201517 (Andy MALONEY) Laser 200055 (Philipp BUHL) Laser 182345 (Charlie BUCKINGHAM) -  
7/6/2012 11:00 F33M2- NED receives a penalty in the pre start with NZL. She came in close to leeward and NZL was not given room/opportunity to keep clear. -  
7/6/2012 10:58 AP lowered fleet starting to launch. -  
7/6/2012 10:56 Race 7 away -  
7/6/2012 10:54 F33M1 - SWE wins the start and leads GER off the line by 2 lengths although she still has a penalty. -  
7/6/2012 10:54 leeward gate Radial 199059 (Sari MULTALA) still leads -  
7/6/2012 10:53 heading back up to the windward mark Laser 182345 (Charlie BUCKINGHAM)still holding the lead -  
7/6/2012 10:52 Top 2 from Repechage advance to Quarter-Finals. The winner of NZL-NED will advance and we'll wait and see who else will go on. -  
7/6/2012 10:52 F33M1- penalty on SWE in the initial dial up with GER. -  
7/6/2012 10:51 Race 7 warning displayed course LS2. -  
7/6/2012 10:50 postponed ashore -  
7/6/2012 10:50 postponed ashore -  
7/6/2012 10:49 Radial 199059 (Sari MULTALA) leading radial round most recent windward mark -  
7/6/2012 10:47 Laser 182345 (Charlie BUCKINGHAM) leading yellow fleet -  
7/6/2012 10:46 Orange flag displayed 10 minutes to start of race 7. -  
7/6/2012 10:41 49er 1 (Nathan OUTTERIDGE/Iain JENSEN (AUS)) in first 49er 118 (Bernado FREITAS/Francisco ANDRADE (POR)) in second -  
7/6/2012 10:38 Race 10 all finished. -  
7/6/2012 10:35 WMR: F32M3: Renee Groeneveld (NED) beat Lotte Meldgaard Pedersen (DEN) -  
7/6/2012 10:29 F32M3- Overlapped at the zone of the leeward mark - NED inside and rounds just ahead of DEN. Race on! -  
7/6/2012 10:29 WMR: F32M2: Stephanie Hazard (NZL) beat Tamara Echegoyen (ESP) -  
7/6/2012 10:24 just started race 7 -  
7/6/2012 10:22 First boats starting to round windward mark. -  
7/6/2012 10:22 WMR: F32M1: Rita Gonçalves (POR) beat Anna Kjellberg (SWE) -  
7/6/2012 10:21 F1M1- POR leads SWE around the leeward mark. -  
7/6/2012 10:21 F32M3 - NED wins the pin and leads DEN out tot the left. Both boats tack and NED is leading up the beat. -  
7/6/2012 10:21 F32M2- NZL has a 5 length lead at the leeward mark. And ESP has a large hole in their spinnaker, but it was flying on the first run. -  
7/6/2012 10:20 all clear race 7 -  
7/6/2012 10:19 in sequence for race 7 -  
7/6/2012 10:16 AP lowered fleet starting to launch. -  
7/6/2012 10:13 all clear race 7 -  
7/6/2012 10:12 F32M1 - SWE clears their penalty half way up the first beat. -  
7/6/2012 10:12 all clear race 7 -  
7/6/2012 10:12 F32M2- ESP to windward of NZL off the line. -  
7/6/2012 10:10 15 knots with a direction of 140. -  
7/6/2012 10:08 F32M1- Penalty on SWE in pres start - port-starboard contact as SWE tried to duck POR after tacking below the pin. -  
7/6/2012 10:08 general recall black flag displayed -  
7/6/2012 10:07 In sequence now for the 6th flight of the Repechage: Flight 32: POR-SWE, ESP-NZL, DEN-NED. GER has a bye. -  
7/6/2012 10:07 Race 10 has started with an individual recall. -  
7/6/2012 10:07 The results are quite tight in the Repechage - the top two advance to the quarter-finals - and 3 teams are tied at 3 wins and 1 loss. -  
7/6/2012 10:06 General recall for race 7. -  
7/6/2012 10:03 First race of the day will be an O3 course -  
7/6/2012 09:57 Start due at 10:00 for the first race of the day. -  
7/6/2012 09:53 Start due at 10:00 for the first race of the day. -  
7/6/2012 09:45 18 knots for 140 on the Nothe Course. -  
7/6/2012 09:43 No racing today -  
7/6/2012 09:17 Fleet starting to launch. -  
7/6/2012 09:13 The Race committee is on station in the Nothe and looking forward to an on time start at 1000. About 17 knots of wind from the south east. -  
7/6/2012 09:12 The Race Committee is leaving the harbour on the way to the Nothe Course. -  
7/6/2012 09:11 Fleet starting to launch. -  
7/6/2012 09:02 Fleet starting to launch. -  
7/6/2012 08:59 AP over 2 raised 2 hour postponment. -  
7/6/2012 08:58 AP over 2 raised 2 hour postponment. -  
7/6/2012 08:51 Fleet starting to launch. -  
7/6/2012 08:31 AP over A raised no racing today. -  
7/6/2012 08:31 AP over A raised no racing today. -  
7/6/2012 08:30 AP over A raised no racing today. -  
7/6/2012 08:14 Status Update::Look out for announcements for racing today, wind building and getting wetter -  
7/6/2012 07:24 Waiting for racing -  
7/6/2012 07:23 Waiting for racing -  
7/6/2012 07:23 Waiting for racing -  
7/6/2012 07:22 Waiting for racing -  
7/6/2012 07:21 Waiting for racing -  
7/6/2012 07:21 Waiting for racing -  
7/6/2012 07:20 Waiting for racing -  
7/6/2012 07:20 Waiting for racing -  
7/6/2012 07:20 Waiting for racing -  
7/6/2012 07:20 Waiting for racing -  
7/6/2012 07:19 Waiting for racing -  
7/6/2012 07:19 Waiting for racing -  
7/6/2012 07:19 Waiting for racing -  
7/6/2012 07:18 Waiting for racing -  
7/6/2012 07:18 Waiting for racing -  
7/6/2012 07:18 Waiting for racing -  
7/6/2012 07:17 Waiting for racing. -  
7/6/2012 07:17 Waiting for racing -  
7/6/2012 07:17 Waiting for racing -  
7/6/2012 07:17 Waiting for racing -  
7/6/2012 07:16 Waiting for racing. -  
7/6/2012 07:15 Waiting for racing -  
7/6/2012 05:56 Thursday::Current conditions at WPNSA are quite pleasant, but storms are forecast for later in the day, so racing brought forward by an hour. -  
7/6/2012 00:34 finished race 8: 470 Men 863 (Luke PATIENCE/Stuart BITHELL (GBR)) 470 Men 83 (Sime FANTELA/Igor MARENIC (CRO)) 470 Men 11 (Mathew BELCHER/Malcolm PAGE (AUS)) -  
6/6/2012 19:14 Weather forecast:: The experts are talking about big winds tomorrow racing brought forward. -  
6/6/2012 19:09 F36M2: Ekaterina Skudina (RUS) beat Anna Tunnicliffe (USA) -  
6/6/2012 19:01 Update for Thursday:: Racing bought forward one hour see noticeboard for details. -  
6/6/2012 18:55 In sequence for the last flight of the day: 3rd Gold flight: Flight 36: AUS-FRA, USA-RUS, GBR-FIN. -  
6/6/2012 18:55 F36M2- penalty on Lehtinen in the prestart with Macgregor. -  
6/6/2012 18:35 The Chief Umpire has informed us that there WILL be a debrief this evening - 45 minutes after the last finish - in room 2 (upstairs). -  
6/6/2012 18:35 F35M1: Silja Lehtinen (FIN) beat Olivia Price (AUS) -  
6/6/2012 18:34 F35M3: Anna Tunnicliffe (USA) beat Lucy Macgregor (GBR) -  
6/6/2012 18:34 F35M2: Ekaterina Skudina (RUS) beat Claire Leroy (FRA) -  
6/6/2012 18:24 In sequence now for the 2nd Gold Group flight: Flight 35: FIN-AUS, RUS-FRA, GBR-USA. -  
6/6/2012 18:21 WMR: F34M3: Claire Leroy (FRA) beat Anna Tunnicliffe (USA) -  
6/6/2012 18:21 All ashore after a successful days racing. -  
6/6/2012 18:21 All ashore after a successful days racing. -  
6/6/2012 18:20 All ashore after a successful days racing. -  
6/6/2012 18:20 All ashore after a successful days racing. -  
6/6/2012 18:20 All ashore after a successful days racing. -  
6/6/2012 18:20 All ashore after a successful days racing. -  
6/6/2012 18:09 All ashore after a successful days racing. -  
6/6/2012 18:09 All ashore after a successful days racing. -  
6/6/2012 18:09 All ashore after a successful days racing. -  
6/6/2012 18:09 All ashore after a successful days racing. -  
6/6/2012 18:09 All ashore after a successful days racing. -  
6/6/2012 18:09 All ashore after a successful days racing. -  
6/6/2012 18:08 All ashore after a successful days racing. -  
6/6/2012 18:08 All ashore after a successful days racing. -  
6/6/2012 18:08 All ashore after a successful days racing. -  
6/6/2012 18:07 All ashore after a successful days racing. -  
6/6/2012 18:07 All ashore after a successful days racing. -  
6/6/2012 18:07 All ashore after a successful days racing. -  
6/6/2012 18:06 All ashore after a successful days racing. -  
6/6/2012 18:06 All ashore after a successful days racing. -  
6/6/2012 18:05 All ashore after a successful days racing. -  
6/6/2012 18:05 All ashore after a successful days racing. -  
6/6/2012 18:04 All ashore after a successful days racing. -  
6/6/2012 18:03 All ashore after a successful days racing. -  
6/6/2012 18:01 arriving on the slipway -  
6/6/2012 17:59 F34M3- Tunnicliffe leading Leroy around the leeward mark. -  
6/6/2012 17:54 Radials returning to shore -  
6/6/2012 17:51 WMR: F34M1: Ekaterina Skudina (RUS) beat Silja Lehtinen (FIN) -  
6/6/2012 17:47 The WMR pairing lists are posted in the Event Documents section of the website. -  
6/6/2012 17:43 F34M3 Leroy to windward and bow behind Tunnicliffe off the start line. -  
6/6/2012 17:41 F34M1- blue penalty on Lehtinen as she hold Skudina past layline to leeward mark. -  
6/6/2012 17:32 In sequence for the 1st flight of the Gold Group: Flight 34: FIN-RUS, AUS-GBR, FRA-USA. -  
6/6/2012 17:30 WMR Latest::After 5 flights of Repechage: Groeneveld, Hazard, & Echegoyen 3-1; Goncalves 3-2; Kjellberg 2-2; Hahlbrock 1-4; Meldgaard 0-4. -  
6/6/2012 17:21 WMR: F31M3: Tamara Echegoyen (ESP) beat Renee Groeneveld (NED) -  
6/6/2012 17:19 WMR: F31M2: Stephanie Hazard (NZL) beat Lotte Meldgaard Pedersen (DEN) -  
6/6/2012 16:55 WMR: F31M1: Rita Gonçalves (POR) beat Silke Hahlbrock (GER) -  
6/6/2012 16:43 F31M1- Goncalves leads Hahlbrock around the 1st windward mark. -  
6/6/2012 16:24 In sequence for the 5th flight of the Repechage: Flight 31: POR-GER, DEN-NZL, ESP-NED. SWE has a bye. The Gold Group will be up next. -  
6/6/2012 16:19 WMR: F30M3: Renee Groeneveld (NED) beat Anna Kjellberg (SWE) -  
6/6/2012 16:14 Race 6 finally away. -  
6/6/2012 16:13 Race 6 in a black flag starting sequence. -  
6/6/2012 16:10 WMR: F30M1: Rita Gonçalves (POR) beat Lotte Meldgaard Pedersen (DEN) -  
6/6/2012 16:05 F30M3 - Yellow penalty on Kjellberg in prestart with Groeneveld. -  
6/6/2012 15:58 Race 6 has just started under a black flag. -  
6/6/2012 15:56 Race 6 general recall next start will be black flag. -  
6/6/2012 15:54 Race 6 start all clear. -  
6/6/2012 15:54 The Race Committee plans to sail flights 30 & 31 of the Repechage then 3 flights of the Gold Group this afternoon. It's a beautiful day! -  
6/6/2012 15:50 Race 6 in a starting sequence. -  
6/6/2012 15:50 In sequence for the 4th Repechage flight : Flight 30: DEN-POR, NZL-GER, NED-SWE. ESP has a bye. -  
6/6/2012 15:43 Zooming down to the finish. Groeneveld ahead of Hahlbrock. -  
6/6/2012 15:43 WMR: F29M3: Renee Groeneveld (NED) beat Silke Hahlbrock (GER) -  
6/6/2012 15:42 WMR: F29M2: Stephanie Hazard (NZL) beat Anna Kjellberg (SWE) -  
6/6/2012 15:24 Lots of luffing and fun and games coming into the leeward mark - Echegoyen leading Goncalves. -  
6/6/2012 15:23 F29M1- Goncalves to weather of Echegoyen at the start. -  
6/6/2012 15:16 Race 9 start all clear. -  
6/6/2012 15:14 Race 9 course L3 start due at 15:16. -  
6/6/2012 15:13 Race 9 finished fleet heading ashore. -  
6/6/2012 14:50 race 6 top 3: Finn 3 (Ben AINSLIE) Finn 41 (Giles SCOTT) Finn 524 (Ivan KLJAKOVIC GASPIC (CRO)) -  
6/6/2012 14:50 Race 6 now completed fleet heading ashore. -  
6/6/2012 14:47 WMR: F28M1: Renee Groeneveld (NED) beat Rita Gonçalves (POR) -  
6/6/2012 14:46 F28M2 - Kjellberg led around the 1st windward mark, but Meldgaard passed and led around the leeward mark -  
6/6/2012 14:42 F28M3- Penalty on Hahlbrock in the prestart in her match with Echegoyen. -  
6/6/2012 14:41 top 3 results race 6: Star 8471 (Iain PERCY/Andrew SIMPSON (GBR)) Star 8456 (Robert SHEIDT/Bruno PRADA (BRA)) Star 8417 (Mateusz KUSZNIEREWICZ/Dominik ZYCKI (POL)) -  
6/6/2012 14:40 finished race 6, no more racing today -  
6/6/2012 14:39 Fleet starting to finish race 6. -  
6/6/2012 14:38 race 5 away -  
6/6/2012 14:37 Race 5 start all clear. -  
6/6/2012 14:33 race 6 completed, top 3: 470 Women 75 (Jo ALEH/Olivia Polly POWRIE (NZL)) 470 Women 9 (Camille LECOINTRE/Mathilde GERON (FRA)) 470 Women 23 (Giulia CONTI/Giovanna MICOL (ITA)) -  
6/6/2012 14:30 Race 9 all clear start under black flag. -  
6/6/2012 14:30 WMR: F27M3: Silke Hahlbrock (GER) beat Lotte Meldgaard Pedersen (DEN) -  
6/6/2012 14:29 no more racing today -  
6/6/2012 14:29 general recall race 5 -  
6/6/2012 14:28 WMR: F27M2: Anna Kjellberg (SWE) beat Tamara Echegoyen (ESP) -  
6/6/2012 14:28 Race 9 will be a black flag start. -  
6/6/2012 14:25 Race 9 start due at 14:29 course L3 -  
6/6/2012 14:22 all clear race 5 -  
6/6/2012 14:20 top three remain in same order... -  
6/6/2012 14:18 into black flag sequence race 5 -  
6/6/2012 14:17 Race 5 course LA3. -  
6/6/2012 14:13 latest mark roundings: Finn 3 (Ben AINSLIE) Finn 41 (Giles SCOTT) Finn 524 (Ivan KLJAKOVIC GASPIC)CRO. -  
6/6/2012 14:12 F27M1- Goncalves leads around the leeward mark ahead of Hazard. -  
6/6/2012 14:12 Race 8 starting to finish. -  
6/6/2012 14:12 WMR: F27M1: Rita Gonçalves (POR) beat Stephanie Hazard (NZL) -  
6/6/2012 14:10 laser yellow completed race 6, no more racing today -  
6/6/2012 14:06 Weather Update::The sun has now made a welcome appearance and the wind dropped, quite a pleasant afternoon here in Weymouth -  
6/6/2012 13:59 Repechage Group: 7-Groeneveld-NED, 8-Hazard-NZL, 9-Meldgaard-DEN, 10-Echegoyen-ESP, 11-Kjellberg-SWE, 12-Hahlbrock-GER, 13-Goncalves-POR. -  
6/6/2012 13:59 In sequence for the first flight of the Repechage - Flight 27: NZL-POR, SWE-ESP, GER-DEN. NED have a bye. -  
6/6/2012 13:59 race 6 completed, top 3 results: 470 Men 212 (Paul SNOW-HANSEN/Jason SAUNDERS (NZL)) 470 Men 7 (Lucas CALABRESE/Juan DE LA FUENTE (ARG)) 470 Men 863 (Luke PATIENCE/Stuart BITHELL (GBR)) -  
6/6/2012 13:54 After Stage 1: Gold Group: 1-Macgregor - GBR, 2-Leroy - FRA, 3-Price - AUS, 4-Skudina - RUS, 5-Lehtinen - FIN, 6-Tunnicliffe - USA. -  
6/6/2012 13:46 finished racing for today - heading home -  
6/6/2012 13:45 finished race 6: 470 Men 29 (Simon SIVITZ KOSUTA/Jas FARNETI (ITA)) 470 Men 349 (Anton DAHLBERG/Sebastian Ă–STLING (SWE)) 470 Men 11 (Mathew BELCHER/Malcolm PAGE (AUS)) -  
6/6/2012 13:44 finn race 6 mark 2: Finn 3 (Ben AINSLIE/ (GBR)) Finn 524 (Ivan KLJAKOVIC GASPIC/ (CRO)) Finn 41 (Giles SCOTT/ (GBR)) -  
6/6/2012 13:39 mark 1 roundings: Finn 41 (Giles SCOTT/ (GBR)) Finn 524 (Ivan KLJAKOVIC GASPIC/ (CRO)) Finn 1 (Brendan CASEY/ (AUS)) -  
6/6/2012 13:36 Race 8 all clear start. -  
6/6/2012 13:35 Race 5 RSX Women 8 (Zofia NOCETI-KLEPACKA/ (POL)) wins the race RSX Women 1111 (Lee KORZITS/ (ISR)) in second RSX Women 5 (Marina ALABAU/ (ESP))in third. -  
6/6/2012 13:32 all clear race 6 -  
6/6/2012 13:27 in sequence for race 6 -  
6/6/2012 13:25 Race 8 Start due at 13:29 on course L3 -  
6/6/2012 13:24 Race 7 has just finished. -  
6/6/2012 13:17 race 6 away all clear -  
6/6/2012 13:16 all clear race 6 away -  
6/6/2012 13:16 race 6 away -  
6/6/2012 13:10 general recall race 6 -  
6/6/2012 13:10 13 knots out on the course. -  
6/6/2012 13:08 postponed to allow 470 blue men to round mark 4! -  
6/6/2012 13:07 1 boat OCS in race 5 . -  
6/6/2012 13:04 Weather update:: although still raining here on the shore and wind now picking up, reports from the 49er race course of less wind, -  
6/6/2012 13:01 WMR: F26M2: Silke Hahlbrock (GER) beat Rita Gonçalves (POR) #ssfg -  
6/6/2012 13:01 general recall on race 6 -  
6/6/2012 13:01 WMR: F26M3: Renee Groeneveld (NED) beat Anna Kjellberg (SWE) -  
6/6/2012 13:00 postponed on race 6 start... -  
6/6/2012 13:00 F26M2- Goncalves picked up a penalty and is training Hahlbrock around the leeward mark. -  
6/6/2012 13:00 WMR: F26M1: Stephanie Hazard (NZL) beat Lotte Meldgaard Pedersen (DEN) #ssfg -  
6/6/2012 12:58 race 5 top 3: 470 Women 187 (Martine GRAEL/Isabel SWAN (BRA)) 470 Women 311 (Gil COHEN/Vered BOUSKILA (ISR)) 470 Women 1 (Ai KONDO/Wakako TABATA (JPN)) -  
6/6/2012 12:56 start away - race 6 -  
6/6/2012 12:55 race 6 in sequence - black flag this time! -  
6/6/2012 12:52 Race 5 due to start at 12:56 on a LS2 course. -  
6/6/2012 12:49 orange flag up for Finn race 6... trying to start them before Stars finish! -  
6/6/2012 12:49 Race 6 finished:: all racing finished for the day. -  
6/6/2012 12:48 Race 7:: Start all clear. -  
6/6/2012 12:43 Race 7 start due at 12:47 with course L3. -  
6/6/2012 12:40 Weather update::The rain has now arrived here in Weymouth, 25knots gusts on the race course -  
6/6/2012 12:38 F26M1- Meldgaard in control off the line to windward of Hazard. -  
6/6/2012 12:37 race 5 finished: Finn 41 (Giles SCOTT/ (GBR)) Finn 842 (Pieter Jan POSTMA/ (NED)) Finn 3 (Ben AINSLIE/ (GBR)) -  
6/6/2012 12:35 All clear start for race 6. -  
6/6/2012 12:33 general recall race 6 -  
6/6/2012 12:32 In starting sequence race 6 -  
6/6/2012 12:31 Race 8 finished race committee preparing for the start of the next race. -  
6/6/2012 12:25 All clear start for race 5. -  
6/6/2012 12:25 WMR: F25M3: Lucy Macgregor (GBR) beat Tamara Echegoyen (ESP) -  
6/6/2012 12:25 laser yellow fleet finished race 5 -  
6/6/2012 12:24 F25M2- Groeneveld still has her penalty on the run, but they are overlapped coming down to finish. -  
6/6/2012 12:24 WMR: F25M2: Olivia Price (AUS) beat Renee Groeneveld (NED) -  
6/6/2012 12:24 2nd yellow penalty on Groeneveld -  
6/6/2012 12:24 F25M3- 2nd penalty on Echegoyen near the top of the last run. Macgregor sails away. -  
6/6/2012 12:20 Skuds due to start race 5 at 12:24. -  
6/6/2012 12:16 470 yellow fleet race 5 finish: 470 Men 11 (Mathew BELCHER/Malcolm PAGE (AUS)) 470 Men 9 (Onan BARREIROS/Aaron SARMIENTO (ESP)) 470 Men 349 (Anton DAHLBERG/Sebastian Ă–STLING (SWE)) -  
6/6/2012 12:15 Laser Yellow Race 4::Started -  
6/6/2012 12:10 F25M3- Echegoyen led around the 1st windward but Macgregor took the lead and led around the leeward. Echegoyen still has a penalty. -  
6/6/2012 12:10 AP raised fleet postponed ashore. -  
6/6/2012 12:08 WMR: F25M1: Stephanie Hazard (NZL) beat Anna Kjellberg (SWE) -  
6/6/2012 12:07 F25M2- Price gets a close overlap on Groeneveld just before the start and forces her to tack to the boat end. -  
6/6/2012 12:07 All clear start for race 8. -  
6/6/2012 12:07 F25M3- penalty on Echegoyen in the prestart with Macgregor for not keeping clear as the windward boat. -  
6/6/2012 12:07 F25M2- Groeneveld has a penalty on the run. Lots of action downwind. -  
6/6/2012 12:07 F25m2- price leads around leeward mark. Groeneveld still has penalty. -  
6/6/2012 12:07 begining to finish race 5 -  
6/6/2012 12:06 F25M1- Kjellberg leads Hazard around the 1st windward mark. -  
6/6/2012 12:06 F25M1- Kjellberg leads Hazard around the 1st windward mark. -  
6/6/2012 12:03 first mark roundings: Star 8450 (Fredrik LOOF/Max SALMINEN (SWE)) Star 8417 (Kusznierewicz and Zycki (POL)) Star 8471 (Iain PERCY/Andrew SIMPSON (GBR)) -  
6/6/2012 12:00 AP lowered fleet starting to launch. -  
6/6/2012 11:57 all clear - race 5 -  
6/6/2012 11:57 currently racing race 5 -  
6/6/2012 11:55 Race 8 all clear start. -  
6/6/2012 11:55 The conditions are great out here - About 17 knots from 205. Great viewing from the breakwater and Nothe in Weymouth. -  
6/6/2012 11:53 in sequence -  
6/6/2012 11:51 11:54 start time for race 8. -  
6/6/2012 11:45 In sequence for Flight 25 - SWE-NZL, AUS-NED, ESP-GBR. -  
6/6/2012 11:45 lastest mark rounding: Finn 41 (Giles SCOTT/ (GBR)) Finn 88 (Mark ANDREWS/ (GBR)) Finn 842 (Pieter Jan POSTMA/ (NED)) -  
6/6/2012 11:45 away and heading for first mark -  
6/6/2012 11:42 All boats finished race 7. -  
6/6/2012 11:42 WMR: F24M3: Lotte Meldgaard Pedersen (DEN) beat Renee Groeneveld (NED) -  
6/6/2012 11:40 AP lowered ashore for the RSXW course. -  
6/6/2012 11:39 in sequence - 1 minute to go -  
6/6/2012 11:38 general recall for Laser Blue, sailing course I3 -  
6/6/2012 11:36 RSX Men 8 (Dorian VAN RIJSSELBERGE/ (NED))leads the fifth race. -  
6/6/2012 11:34 15 knots of the course. -  
6/6/2012 11:33 all clear race 5 -  
6/6/2012 11:33 general recall -  
6/6/2012 11:31 F24M2- price gets a penalty just before the finish and Hazard wins. -  
6/6/2012 11:31 WMR: F24M2: Stephanie Hazard (NZL) beat Olivia Price (AUS) -  
6/6/2012 11:30 clear away race 5 -  
6/6/2012 11:29 RSX Men 82 (Piotr MYSZKA/ (POL))leading the first race of the day. -  
6/6/2012 11:28 in start sequence -  
6/6/2012 11:27 general recall for race 5 start -  
6/6/2012 11:22 in sequence for race 5 start -  
6/6/2012 11:21 Tunnicliffe just squeezes around the finish pin ahead of Lehtinen. -  
6/6/2012 11:21 WMR: F24M1: Anna Tunnicliffe (USA) beat Silja Lehtinen (FIN) -  
6/6/2012 11:18 F24M1- Tunnicliffe leads Lehtinen around the last windward mark. -  
6/6/2012 11:16 all clear race 5 start -  
6/6/2012 11:16 F24M2- price leads around leeward mark overlapped with Hazard. -  
6/6/2012 11:14 getting ready to get into sequence -  
6/6/2012 11:13 All clear - race 5 -  
6/6/2012 11:12 F24M1- Lehtinen leads Tunnicliffe around the 1st windward mark. -  
6/6/2012 11:12 The start for match3 of F24 has been delayed due to a repair. -  
6/6/2012 11:12 WMR: F23M2: Claire Leroy (FRA) beat Ekaterina Skudina (RUS) -  
6/6/2012 11:07 All clear start for the fifth race. -  
6/6/2012 11:07 All clear start for the seventh race. -  
6/6/2012 11:06 All clear start for the fifth race. -  
6/6/2012 11:05 general recall on race 5 start -  
6/6/2012 11:05 race 5 all clear away -  
6/6/2012 11:04 in starting sequence - 1 minute to go for race 5 -  
6/6/2012 11:03 Intended start time 11:05. -  
6/6/2012 11:03 Intended start time 11:05. -  
6/6/2012 11:00 n sequence for flight 24- FIN-USA, NZL-AUS, DEN-NED. -  
6/6/2012 10:57 Intended start time 11:05. -  
6/6/2012 10:57 orange flag up- pumping flag will be displayed -  
6/6/2012 10:55 Course LA3 for the skuds. -  
6/6/2012 10:46 13 knots on the course. -  
6/6/2012 10:45 11-13 knots on the Finn/Star course -  
6/6/2012 10:44 Race committee planning on running a L3 course for the first race of the day. -  
6/6/2012 10:43 Race committee planning on running a LS2 course for the first race of the day. -  
6/6/2012 10:42 12-15 knots on the laser course -  
6/6/2012 10:36 F23M2- Skudina gets a 2nd penalty. -  
6/6/2012 10:36 Then Skudina gets another for hitting finish pin -  
6/6/2012 10:36 WMR: F23M2: Ekaterina Skudina (RUS) beat Claire Leroy (FRA) -  
6/6/2012 10:36 WMR: F23M3: Lucy Macgregor (GBR) beat Anna Tunnicliffe (USA) -  
6/6/2012 10:29 F23M3- Tunnicliffe receives a penalty on the first run and Macgregor is ahead by a length around the leeward mark. -  
6/6/2012 10:28 WMR: F23M1: Silja Lehtinen (FIN) beat Tamara Echegoyen (ESP) -  
6/6/2012 10:21 F23M2- Skudina has taken the lead on the first run and leads around the leeward mark by 1 boat length. -  
6/6/2012 10:20 F23M2- Leroy leads Skudina around 1st windward mark. Skudina still has a penalty. -  
6/6/2012 10:19 F23M1- Echegoyen has cleared her penalty and is ahead around the leeward mark. -  
6/6/2012 10:17 F23M3 USA and GBR circling in the pre start. -  
6/6/2012 10:17 F23M3 USA and GBR circling in the pre start. -  
6/6/2012 10:15 F23M2- penalty on RUS for contact from astern with FRA just before the start. -  
6/6/2012 10:11 RUS chasing FRA over the bow of the RC boat in the pre start. -  
6/6/2012 10:10 Penalty on yellow (Echegoyen) just after the start. -  
6/6/2012 10:03 In sequence for flight 23: FIN-ESP, RUS-FRA, GBR-USA. -  
6/6/2012 09:51 Fleet starting to launch. -  
6/6/2012 09:50 Fleet starting to launch. -  
6/6/2012 09:50 Fleet starting to launch. -  
6/6/2012 09:49 Fleet starting to launch. -  
6/6/2012 09:49 Fleet starting to launch. -  
6/6/2012 09:49 Fleet starting to launch. -  
6/6/2012 09:48 Fleet starting to launch. -  
6/6/2012 09:48 Fleet starting to launch. -  
6/6/2012 09:47 First boats now launching from the slipway -  
6/6/2012 09:30 The Race Committee is on station on the Nothe Course waiting for the customers to arrive. We should have an on time start at 1000. -  
6/6/2012 09:29 Day 3::Looks like dryer conditions today, which will please all those going afloat and a chance to warm up -  
6/6/2012 09:22 The Race Committee is on station on the Nothe Course waiting for the customers to arrive. We should have an on time start at 1000. -  
6/6/2012 07:45 Fleet getting ready for racing today. -  
6/6/2012 07:45 Fleet getting ready for racing today. -  
6/6/2012 07:45 Fleet getting ready for racing today. -  
6/6/2012 07:45 Fleet getting ready for racing today. -  
6/6/2012 07:44 Fleet getting ready for racing today. -  
6/6/2012 07:44 Fleet getting ready for racing today. -  
6/6/2012 07:44 Fleet getting ready for racing today. -  
6/6/2012 07:44 Fleet getting ready for racing today. -  
6/6/2012 07:44 Fleet getting ready for racing today. -  
6/6/2012 07:43 Fleet getting ready for racing today -  
6/6/2012 07:43 Fleet getting ready for racing today. -  
6/6/2012 07:43 Fleet getting ready for racing today. -  
6/6/2012 07:43 Fleet getting ready for racing today. -  
6/6/2012 07:42 Fleet getting ready for racing today. -  
6/6/2012 07:42 Fleet getting ready for racing today -  
6/6/2012 07:40 Fleet getting ready for racing today. -  
6/6/2012 06:05 Day 3::After a cold and wet Tuesday, the forecast for Wednesday looks more promising with some sun and moderate breeze from SW -  
6/6/2012 00:42 all clear away race 6 -  
6/6/2012 00:27 top 2 race 5: 470 Men 212 (Paul SNOW-HANSEN/Jason SAUNDERS (NZL)) 470 Men 1 (Sven COSTER/Kalle COSTER (NED)) -  
6/6/2012 00:06 F25M2- Price gets a close overlap on Groeneveld just before the start and forces her to tack to the boat end -  
5/6/2012 19:14 A very cold Laser Blue fleet heading home -  
5/6/2012 19:13 Laser blue fleet top 3 results from tracking: Laser 192625 (Rutger VAN SCHAARDENBURG/ (NED)), Laser 201432 (Pavlos KONTIDES/ (CYP)) Laser 199218 (Andrew MURDOCH/ (NZL)) -  
5/6/2012 19:11 Laser Blue fleet finished race 4 -  
5/6/2012 18:52 Laser Yellow fleet heading home -  
5/6/2012 18:47 final windward mark rounding race 4: Laser 192625 (Rutger VAN SCHAARDENBURG/ (NED)), Laser 178600 (Min Ha (KOR)), Laser 196898 (Kacper ZIEMISKI/ (POL)) -  
5/6/2012 18:36 Laser 201394 (Paul GOODISON/ (GBR)) wins Laser yellow fleet race 4, followed by Laser 199072 (Rasmus MYRGREN/ (SWE)) and Laser 199237 (Tom BURTON/ (AUS)) -  
5/6/2012 18:33 Laser 192625 (Rutger VAN SCHAARDENBURG/ (NED))in the lead of the laser blue fleet -  
5/6/2012 18:33 After a successful day sailing all boats bak ashore. -  
5/6/2012 18:32 After a successful day sailing all boats back ashore. -  
5/6/2012 18:30 laser yellow final windward mark race 4: Laser 201394 (Paul GOODISON/ (GBR)) Laser 199072 (Rasmus MYRGREN/ (SWE)) Laser 199237 (Tom BURTON/ (AUS)) -  
5/6/2012 18:28 After a successful day sailing all boats back ashore. -  
5/6/2012 18:28 second windward rounding race 4: Laser 192625 (Rutger VAN SCHAARDENBURG/ (NED)) Laser 178600 Min Ha (KOR) Laser 196898 (Kacper ZIEMISKI/ (POL)) -  
5/6/2012 18:27 After a successful day sailing all boats back ashore. -  
5/6/2012 18:26 After a successful day sailing all boats back ashore. -  
5/6/2012 18:23 After a successful day sailing all boats back ashore. -  
5/6/2012 18:22 After a successful day sailing all boats back ashore. -  
5/6/2012 18:21 After a successful day sailing all boats back ashore. -  
5/6/2012 18:20 After a successful day sailing all boats back at the dock. -  
5/6/2012 18:15 laser yellow back up to windward mark: Laser 201394 (Paul GOODISON/ (GBR)) Laser 195532 (Tom SLINGSBY/ (AUS))still battling it out -  
5/6/2012 18:11 laser blue fleet race 4 first mark rounding: Laser 192625 (Rutger VAN SCHAARDENBURG/ (NED)) Laser 196898 (Kacper ZIEMISKI/ (POL)) -  
5/6/2012 18:06 first leeward gate laser blue: Laser 201394 (Paul GOODISON/ (GBR)) Laser 195532 (Tom SLINGSBY/ (AUS)) Laser 199072 (Rasmus MYRGREN/ (SWE)) -  
5/6/2012 17:58 Laser blue fleet are away! - race 4 -  
5/6/2012 17:52 general recall on laser blue race 4 -  
5/6/2012 17:52 in sequence - black flag up! -  
5/6/2012 17:48 We are headed ashore!!! -  
5/6/2012 17:47 F22M2- Groeneveld gets two penalties at the end of the last run and Skudina wins. -  
5/6/2012 17:47 WMR: F22M2: Ekaterina Skudina (RUS) beat Renee Groeneveld (NED) -  
5/6/2012 17:47 WMR: F22M3: Claire Leroy (FRA) beat Anna Kjellberg (SWE) -  
5/6/2012 17:46 Update::Looks like we have internet access back -  
5/6/2012 17:44 laser yellow fleet now in race 4 -  
5/6/2012 17:37 Laser Blue R3::4th - Laser 181018 (Evangelos CHIMONAS/ (GRE)), Laser 192625 (Rutger VAN SCHAARDENBURG/ (NED)),200055,,184116 -  
5/6/2012 17:37 Laser yellow fleet in sequence for race 4, black flag displayed, sailing course O3 -  
5/6/2012 17:35 Laser Blue R3::Finish Laser 192384 (Juan I. MAEGLI/ (GUA)), Laser 201382 (Mathias MOLLATT/ (NOR)), Laser 197711 (Zsombor BERECZ/ (HUN)) -  
5/6/2012 17:29 Laser Blue Race 3:: Mark 3. Laser 197711 (Zsombor BERECZ/ (HUN)) , Laser 181018 (Evangelos CHIMONAS/ (GRE)), Laser 192625 (Rutger VAN SCHAARDENBURG/ (NED)) -  
5/6/2012 17:26 Huge wind shift on course.... Not starting yet -  
5/6/2012 17:25 First boats round last windward mark in race 2 of today -  
5/6/2012 17:22 All finished for the day. -  
5/6/2012 17:21 All finished for the day. -  
5/6/2012 17:16 Latest from Weymouth::Still no power or internet, still on battery and 3G. hopefully we will keep you up todate, racing still on going -  
5/6/2012 17:15 In sequence for flight 22: NED-RUS, FRA-SWE (USA has a bye). -  
5/6/2012 17:15 Oops, now postponed due to 45 degree wind shift. Resetting course now. -  
5/6/2012 17:05 wet and windy! -  
5/6/2012 16:59 Stand by for update on laser blue -  
5/6/2012 16:56 Race 3 finished and back to the start for another! -  
5/6/2012 16:54 Update::There is currently no power at the academy but we hope to be back up and streaming soon. -  
5/6/2012 16:35 Sonar 1 (Colin HARRISON/Stephen CHURM (AUS)) in the lead Sonar 840 (Jourdren BRUNO/Vimont Vicary NICOLAS (FRA)) in second at the windward mark. -  
5/6/2012 16:32 finished first race of the day, race 2 in the series. -  
5/6/2012 16:31 The race committee still intends to keep going through flight 24 today in light of the high winds forecast for later in the week. -  
5/6/2012 16:30 completed 3 races today - 4 in total. Heading home -  
5/6/2012 16:29 race 4 finished -  
5/6/2012 16:27 All clear start -  
5/6/2012 16:27 All clear start for the fourth race. -  
5/6/2012 16:22 completed 3 races today - heading home -  
5/6/2012 16:20 race 4 place results: Finn 41 (Giles SCOTT/ (GBR)) Finn 524 (Ivan KLJAKOVIC GASPIC/ (CRO)) Finn 3 (Ben AINSLIE/ (GBR)) -  
5/6/2012 16:13 In sequence for flight 21: RUS-NZL, POR-FIN, AUS-FRA. -  
5/6/2012 16:03 USA 1273 Erik STORCK Trevor MOORE win the last race 49er 1 (Nathan OUTTERIDGE/Iain JENSEN (AUS)) in second 49er 1188 (Jonas VON GEIJER/Niclas DĂśRING (SWE))in third. -  
5/6/2012 16:01 WMR: F20M2: Lucy Macgregor (GBR) beat Rita Gonçalves (POR) -  
5/6/2012 16:00 F20M2- Gonçalves receives 2 penalties on the first downwind leg and takes one of them so Macgregor has a big lead around the leeward mark. -  
5/6/2012 16:00 WMR: F20M1: Claire Leroy (FRA) beat Lotte Meldgaard Pedersen (DEN) -  
5/6/2012 15:59 Fleet finished for the day -  
5/6/2012 15:49 race 4 first mark rounding: Star 8364 (Flavio MARAZZI/Enrico DE MARIA (SUI)) Star 8461 (Richard CLARKE/Tyler BJORN (CAN)) Star 8418 (Peter O'LEARY/David BURROWS (IRL)) -  
5/6/2012 15:44 F20M2- Macgregor locks Goncalves out at the committee boat and leads across the start line by 2 lengths. -  
5/6/2012 15:39 Fleet all finished. -  
5/6/2012 15:38 second windward mark roundings: Finn 41 (Giles SCOTT/ (GBR)) Finn 524 (Ivan KLJAKOVIC GASPIC/ (CRO)) Finn 3 (Ben AINSLIE/ (GBR)) -  
5/6/2012 15:36 Gate roundings: Finn 41 (Giles SCOTT/ (GBR)) Finn 524 (Ivan KLJAKOVIC GASPIC/ (CRO)) Finn 3 (Ben AINSLIE/ (GBR)) -  
5/6/2012 15:36 Leroy wins the start over Meldgaard at the committee boat end. -  
5/6/2012 15:33 Finn 41 (Giles SCOTT/ (GBR)) first Finn round windward mark -  
5/6/2012 15:32 Fleet starting to finnish -  
5/6/2012 15:32 Flight 20 in sequence: FRA-DEN, GBR-POR (ESP has a bye). -  
5/6/2012 15:31 Laser Yellow finished race 2 still 2 more to do today -  
5/6/2012 15:30 WMR: F19M3: Ekaterina Skudina (RUS) beat Lucy Macgregor (GBR) -  
5/6/2012 15:20 WMR: F19M1: Lotte Meldgaard Pedersen (DEN) beat Silke Hahlbrock (GER) -  
5/6/2012 15:20 WMR: F19M2: Olivia Price (AUS) beat Silja Lehtinen (FIN) -  
5/6/2012 15:18 star race 4 start all clear and away -  
5/6/2012 15:16 Laser Blue race 2 away! -  
5/6/2012 15:09 F19M3- Macgregor gets a penalty just before the start at the pin end in her match with Skudina. -  
5/6/2012 15:08 F19M2- penalty on Lehtinen in prestart with Price. -  
5/6/2012 15:05 general recall down - in sequence -  
5/6/2012 14:56 WMR: F18M3: Lucy Macgregor (GBR) beat Olivia Price (AUS) -  
5/6/2012 14:56 Flight 19 in sequence: AUS-FIN, RUS-GBR (DEN has a bye). -  
5/6/2012 14:51 finished race 3, in sequence for race 4 -  
5/6/2012 14:50 Latest mark rounding on Star course: Star 8237 (Xavier ROHART/Pierre Alexis PONSOT (FRA)) Star 8461 (Richard CLARKE/Tyler BJORN (CAN)) Star 8471 (Iain PERCY/Andrew SIMPSON (GBR)) -  
5/6/2012 14:49 Skud-18 57 (Alexandra RICKHAM/Niki BIRRELL (GBR))wins the first race of the day. -  
5/6/2012 14:49 Clear line for the start of the second race of the day. -  
5/6/2012 14:48 WMR: F18M2: Silja Lehtinen (FIN) beat Ekaterina Skudina (RUS) -  
5/6/2012 14:47 black flag general recall on start 1 of today (race 2) not away yet! -  
5/6/2012 14:41 WMR: F18M1: Anna Kjellberg (SWE) beat Silke Hahlbrock (GER) -  
5/6/2012 14:40 470 men Blue fleet heading home -  
5/6/2012 14:39 470 Men Blue race 4 provisional top 3: 470 Men 7 (Lucas CALABRESE/Juan DE LA FUENTE (ARG)) 470 Men 843 (Mike WOOD/Jonny MCGOVERN (GBR)) 470 Men 3 (Matthias SCHMID/Florian REICHSTAEDTER (AUT)) -  
5/6/2012 14:39 Race 4 course LS3 -  
5/6/2012 14:39 470 men yellow heading home -  
5/6/2012 14:36 470 Men yellow race 4 top 3: 470 Men 212 (Paul SNOW-HANSEN/Jason SAUNDERS (NZL)) 470 Men 83 (Sime FANTELA/Igor MARENIC (CRO)) 470 Men 1 (Sven COSTER/Kalle COSTER (NED)) -  
5/6/2012 14:35 first race of the day underway -  
5/6/2012 14:35 49er 1 (Nathan OUTTERIDGE/Iain JENSEN (AUS))wins the first race of the day. -  
5/6/2012 14:35 Race 4 had an all clear start. -  
5/6/2012 14:29 Flight 18 is in sequence : FIN-RUS, AUS-GBR (SWE has a bye). -  
5/6/2012 14:28 radial Blue arriving on slipway -  
5/6/2012 14:23 in black flag sequence race 2 -  
5/6/2012 14:21 latest Finn mark rounding: Finn 41 (Giles SCOTT/ (GBR)) Finn 11 (Daniel BIRGMARK/ (SWE)) Finn 85 (Andrew MILLS/ (GBR)) -  
5/6/2012 14:17 WMR: F17M1: Silja Lehtinen (FIN) beat Anna Kjellberg (SWE) -  
5/6/2012 14:17 WMR: F17M2: Ekaterina Skudina (RUS) beat Silke Hahlbrock (GER) -  
5/6/2012 14:17 WMR: F17M3: Lucy Macgregor (GBR) beat Lotte Meldgaard Pedersen (DEN) -  
5/6/2012 14:15 AP displayed on the RSX course -  
5/6/2012 14:14 huge wind shift on the Finn course -  
5/6/2012 14:14 huge wind shift on the Star course -  
5/6/2012 14:13 RSX fleet now in a start sequence with the I flag. -  
5/6/2012 14:11 radial yellow heading home -  
5/6/2012 14:06 results race 4: 470 Women 1736 (Amanda CLARK/Sarah LIHAN (USA)) 470 Women 311 (Gil COHEN/Vered BOUSKILA (ISR)) 470 Women 118 (Hannah MILLS/Saskia CLARK (GBR)) -  
5/6/2012 14:05 Laser Yellow fleet in start sequence -  
5/6/2012 14:03 first yellow radial finished -  
5/6/2012 14:02 heading to race course -  
5/6/2012 14:02 Orange flag displayed 10 minutes to start for the fourth race. -  
5/6/2012 14:01 heading to race course -  
5/6/2012 14:00 L3 course being sailed after an all clear start. -  
5/6/2012 14:00 F17M1- penalty on Kjellberg in the prestart with Lehtinen. Lehtinen ahead up the beat. -  
5/6/2012 13:59 curently on race 4 -  
5/6/2012 13:59 LA3 course is being sailed after an all clear start. -  
5/6/2012 13:59 currently on race 4 -  
5/6/2012 13:56 Finn Gate race 3: Finn 11 (Daniel BIRGMARK/ (SWE)) Finn 41 (Giles SCOTT/ (GBR)) Finn 3 (Ben AINSLIE/ (GBR)) -  
5/6/2012 13:51 Flight 17 in sequence: FIN-SWE, GBR-DEN (RUS gets a bye). -  
5/6/2012 13:47 470 women heading in -  
5/6/2012 13:44 RSX Men 1 (Nick DEMPSEY/ (GBR)) leading RSX Men 8 (Dorian VAN RIJSSELBERGE/ (NED))in second RSX Men 31 (Richard STAUFFACHER/ (SUI)) in thirds. -  
5/6/2012 13:42 first Finn at M1 race 3 is Finn 11 (Daniel BIRGMARK/ (SWE)) -  
5/6/2012 13:41 470 women now finishing race 4 -  
5/6/2012 13:40 Star class now on race 3, all clear -  
5/6/2012 13:39 RSX Men 1 (Nick DEMPSEY/ (GBR)) leading RSX Men 8 (Dorian VAN RIJSSELBERGE/ (NED))in second RSX Men 31 (Richard STAUFFACHER/ (SUI)) in thirds. -  
5/6/2012 13:35 F16M3- Meldgaard is able to sneak past Lehtinen as Lehtinen tries a mark trap at the finish to clear her penalty but doesn't succeed -  
5/6/2012 13:32 WMR: F16M1: Lucy Macgregor (GBR) beat Anna Kjellberg (SWE) -  
5/6/2012 13:32 WMR: F16M2: Olivia Price (AUS) beat Silke Hahlbrock (GER) -  
5/6/2012 13:32 WMR: F16M3: Lotte Meldgaard Pedersen (DEN) beat Silja Lehtinen (FIN) -  
5/6/2012 13:25 race 4 for radial blue away -  
5/6/2012 13:23 F16M3- Lehtinen leads Meldgaard around the leeward mark, but she is carrying a penalty from earlier in the match. -  
5/6/2012 13:19 RSX Men 1 (Nick DEMPSEY/ (GBR)) in the lead RSX Men 8 (Dorian VAN RIJSSELBERGE/ (NED)) in second RSX Men 31 (Richard STAUFFACHER/ (SUI)) in third. -  
5/6/2012 13:18 Finn class away for race 3 -  
5/6/2012 13:14 All boats have left the dock for the race area. -  
5/6/2012 13:13 start of race 4 all clear -  
5/6/2012 13:13 in start sequence -  
5/6/2012 13:12 genereal recall - in sequence again -  
5/6/2012 13:12 All boats have left the dock for the race area. -  
5/6/2012 13:10 finished race 3 -  
5/6/2012 13:10 finished race 3 -  
5/6/2012 13:06 in sequence for race 3 -  
5/6/2012 13:05 Here we go. In sequence for flight 16: GBR-SWE, DEN-FIN (AUS gets a bye). -  
5/6/2012 13:05 Warning displayed start due at 13:09. -  
5/6/2012 13:04 finished race 3 -  
5/6/2012 13:00 Due to a crew issue, Hahlbrock will not be sailing her remaining matches today. Her competitors will receive a point for their matches. -  
5/6/2012 13:00 LS3 course for the next race. -  
5/6/2012 12:59 Star Race 2:: Star 8456 (Robert SHEIDT/Bruno PRADA (BRA)),8471 GBR, Star 8418 (Peter O'LEARY/David BURROWS (IRL)) -  
5/6/2012 12:58 2.4mR 13 (Damien SEGUIN/ (FRA))leading the fleet again. -  
5/6/2012 12:57 in race area for start of race 3 -  
5/6/2012 12:56 race 2 finished -  
5/6/2012 12:52 Race 4 away -  
5/6/2012 12:48 49er 1294 (Dave EVANS/Ed POWYS (GBR) wins the race. -  
5/6/2012 12:48 general recall for race 4 start - now under black flag -  
5/6/2012 12:46 RSX Women 9 (Olga MASLIVETS/ (UKR)) wins the race RSX Women 8 (Zofia NOCETI-KLEPACKA/ (POL))in second in the last race of the day. -  
5/6/2012 12:46 latest Star mark rounding Star 8456 (Robert SHEIDT/Bruno PRADA (BRA)) Star 8418 (Peter O'LEARY/David BURROWS (IRL)) Star 8237 (Xavier ROHART/Pierre Alexis PONSOT (FRA)) -  
5/6/2012 12:45 WMR: F15M3: Claire Leroy (FRA) beat Anna Tunnicliffe (USA) -  
5/6/2012 12:44 WMR: F15M2: Tamara Echegoyen (ESP) beat Renee Groeneveld (NED) -  
5/6/2012 12:42 started race 4 -  
5/6/2012 12:41 radial yellow in sequence for race 4, sailing course O3 -  
5/6/2012 12:41 Race committee attempting another start. -  
5/6/2012 12:38 Second race of the day now underway -  
5/6/2012 12:36 Finns finished race 3 -  
5/6/2012 12:35 WMR: F15M1: Stephanie Hazard (NZL) beat Rita Gonçalves (POR) -  
5/6/2012 12:30 Raining quite hard here now in Weymouth -  
5/6/2012 12:29 finished race 3, back to starting area -  
5/6/2012 12:27 currently racing for race 3 -  
5/6/2012 12:25 currently racing on day 2 -  
5/6/2012 12:24 currently sailing race 3 -  
5/6/2012 12:24 RSX Women 17 (Nikola GIRKE/ (CAN)) in the lead -  
5/6/2012 12:23 currently racing race 3 -  
5/6/2012 12:23 AP lowered fleet getting ready to launch. -  
5/6/2012 12:23 racing -  
5/6/2012 12:22 currently sailing race 3 -  
5/6/2012 12:21 all racing -  
5/6/2012 12:20 In sequence for flight 15- NZL-POR, NED-ESP, FRA-USA. -  
5/6/2012 12:08 latest Finn mark rounding top 2 : Finn 41 (Giles SCOTT/ (GBR)) Finn 112 (Jonathan LOBERT/ (FRA)) -  
5/6/2012 12:06 WMR: F14M2: Claire Leroy (FRA) beat Rita Gonçalves (POR) -  
5/6/2012 12:06 WMR: F14M3: Anna Tunnicliffe (USA) beat Renee Groeneveld (NED) -  
5/6/2012 12:03 Course for next race LS2. -  
5/6/2012 12:03 AP up - ashore -  
5/6/2012 12:02 Fleet in starting sequence. -  
5/6/2012 12:02 Ap up - ashore -  
5/6/2012 12:01 AP up ashore for the 49er blue fleet. -  
5/6/2012 12:00 Fleet postponed. -  
5/6/2012 12:00 AP up ashore for Laser standards -  
5/6/2012 12:00 Radial Blue fleet away -  
5/6/2012 11:59 WMR: F14M1: Stephanie Hazard (NZL) beat Tamara Echegoyen (ESP) -  
5/6/2012 11:56 back in sequence after recall - black flag this time -  
5/6/2012 11:53 Fleet have just had a general recall. -  
5/6/2012 11:52 mark 3 rounding Finn 41 (Giles SCOTT/ (GBR)) in the lead -  
5/6/2012 11:46 F14M2- Goncalves over early at the pin. Leroy gets away clean as Goncalves rounds the pin and restarts. -  
5/6/2012 11:46 Star race 2 away -  
5/6/2012 11:45 49er 10 (Ryan SEATON/Matthew MCGOVERN (IRL)) in the lead 49er 4 (John PINK/Rick PEACOCK (GBR))in second 49er 1294 (Dave EVANS/Ed POWYS (GBR)) in third. -  
5/6/2012 11:42 11.41 Star warning for race 2 -  
5/6/2012 11:41 RSX Women 25 (Alessandra SENSINI/ (ITA)) in the lead RSX Women 8 (Zofia NOCETI-KLEPACKA/ (POL)) RSX Women 1111 (Lee KORZITS/ (ISR))in third. -  
5/6/2012 11:40 2.4mR 13 (Damien SEGUIN/ (FRA)) still in the lead on the second lap. -  
5/6/2012 11:39 Radial Blue in black flag sequence -  
5/6/2012 11:39 General recall for Star Class - black flag next time -  
5/6/2012 11:38 2.4mR 12 (Thierry SCHMITTER/ (NED))leading the fleet at the windward mark 2.4mR 13 (Damien SEGUIN/ (FRA))in second. -  
5/6/2012 11:34 1st Mark rounding: Finn 842 (Pieter Jan POSTMA/ (NED)) Finn 41 (Giles SCOTT/ (GBR)) Finn 112 (Jonathan LOBERT/ (FRA)) -  
5/6/2012 11:34 AP down for Star class -  
5/6/2012 11:34 RSX Women 1111 (Lee KORZITS/ (ISR))in the lead RSX Women 25 (Alessandra SENSINI/ (ITA))in second RSX Women 8 (Zofia NOCETI-KLEPACKA/ (POL)) in third at the windward mark. -  
5/6/2012 11:34 In sequence for flight 14: NZL-ESP, POR-FRA, NED-USA. -  
5/6/2012 11:31 470 men yellow are off for race 3 -  
5/6/2012 11:29 Star race 2 start - AP up - course being adjusted -  
5/6/2012 11:27 radial blue in sequence -  
5/6/2012 11:26 Radial yellow fleet away -  
5/6/2012 11:24 General Recall for 470M Yellow -  
5/6/2012 11:24 A short delay as a few minor repairs are done. -  
5/6/2012 11:23 All clear start. -  
5/6/2012 11:20 Fleet have finally started. -  
5/6/2012 11:19 back in sequence - black flag this time -  
5/6/2012 11:19 WMR: F13M3: Anna Tunnicliffe (USA) beat Stephanie Hazard (NZL) -  
5/6/2012 11:18 WMR: F13M2: Renee Groeneveld (NED) beat Rita Gonçalves (POR) -  
5/6/2012 11:16 general recall for radial yellow -  
5/6/2012 11:15 Started race 2 -  
5/6/2012 11:15 Fleet in another start sequence due to postponment. -  
5/6/2012 11:15 470 women started race 3 -  
5/6/2012 11:13 470 women back in sequence - black flag this time -  
5/6/2012 11:13 Finn class back in sequence - black flag this time -  
5/6/2012 11:08 Start all clear -  
5/6/2012 11:07 General Recall on Finn course -  
5/6/2012 11:06 General Recall -  
5/6/2012 11:06 General Recall for the fleet -  
5/6/2012 11:04 Fleet on course to start at 11:05 on course LA3 -  
5/6/2012 11:04 Finn class in sequence -  
5/6/2012 11:03 F13m2- penalty on Goncalves in the pre start with Groeneveld for gybing too close. -  
5/6/2012 11:03 470 women in sequence -  
5/6/2012 11:03 radial yellow in sequence -  
5/6/2012 11:01 warning signal for the Finn class displayed race 1 of day 2 -  
5/6/2012 10:57 Radial fleets on track for starting on time -  
5/6/2012 10:57 Orange flag flying 10 minutes to race 4. -  
5/6/2012 10:56 Orange flag flying 10 minutes to race 3. -  
5/6/2012 10:51 F13M1- Leroy wins the start at the pin. Leads by 3 lengths. -  
5/6/2012 10:50 470 Men will be racing second, sailing course I3 -  
5/6/2012 10:50 Flight 13 in sequence now: ESP-FRA, POR-NED, USA-NZL. -  
5/6/2012 10:49 470 Women sailing course 03 for race 1 today and will be going first -  
5/6/2012 10:47 Finn class waiting for race 1 of day 2 -  
5/6/2012 10:47 Star class in racing area -  
5/6/2012 10:41 Laser fleet on tracking today -  
5/6/2012 10:41 Radial fleet on tracking today -  
5/6/2012 10:41 Finn class on tracking today -  
5/6/2012 10:41 Star class on tracking today -  
5/6/2012 10:35 WMR: F12M3: Lucy Macgregor (GBR) beat Claire Leroy (FRA) #ssfg -  
5/6/2012 10:35 F12M3- Macgregor crossing the line ahead and clear of Leroy who still had her penalty to take. -  
5/6/2012 10:32 Fleet have all launched. -  
5/6/2012 10:31 Fleet have all launched. -  
5/6/2012 10:29 WMR: F12M1: Silke Hahlbrock (GER) beat Stephanie Hazard (NZL) -  
5/6/2012 10:29 F12M3- penalty on Leroy just before the leeward mark. Macgregor ahead. -  
5/6/2012 10:29 WMR: F12M2: Renee Groeneveld (NED) beat Silja Lehtinen (FIN) -  
5/6/2012 10:28 F12M1- Hahlbrock leading Hazard across the line in close finish. -  
5/6/2012 10:21 F12M2- Groeneveld leads around 1st windward mark. -  
5/6/2012 10:20 Fleet starting to launch. -  
5/6/2012 10:19 Race committee planning on running an LS2 course. -  
5/6/2012 10:17 F12M3- Macgregor to windward of Leroy at the pin at the start -  
5/6/2012 10:16 Fleet have all left the dock ready for racing. -  
5/6/2012 10:14 Protest flags already flying in the first match of the rainy day -  
5/6/2012 10:14 F12M2- Groeneveld wins the start and starts to weather and ahead of Lehtinen. -  
5/6/2012 10:14 F12M1- Hazard around the top mark first. -  
5/6/2012 10:02 The RC is planning an on time start for 1000. Here we go! 13 flights planned for today! -  
5/6/2012 09:45 Boats are heading out to race area! -  
5/6/2012 09:45 Boats are heading out to race area! -  
5/6/2012 09:45 Boats are heading out to race area! -  
5/6/2012 09:45 Boats are heading out to race area! -  
5/6/2012 09:45 Boats are heading out to race area! -  
5/6/2012 09:44 Boats are heading out to race area! -  
5/6/2012 09:44 Boats are heading out to race area! -  
5/6/2012 09:44 First boats are starting to launch. -  
5/6/2012 09:44 Boats are heading out to race area! -  
5/6/2012 09:44 Boats are heading out to race area! -  
5/6/2012 09:44 Boats are heading out to race area! -  
5/6/2012 09:44 Boats are heading out to race area! -  
5/6/2012 09:43 Boats are heading out to race! -  
5/6/2012 09:43 Boats are heading out to race area! -  
5/6/2012 09:43 Boats are heading out to race area! -  
5/6/2012 09:43 First boats are starting to launch. -  
5/6/2012 09:43 Boats are heading out to race area! -  
5/6/2012 09:41 First boats starting to launch. -  
5/6/2012 09:34 with first boats launching the rain clouds are greeting the competitors -  
5/6/2012 09:28 Queuing on the slipway -  
5/6/2012 09:27 Good morning! The R/C is on station in the Nothe Course. Now just waiting for the customers to arrive! -  
5/6/2012 09:23 All boats left the dock for the race area. -  
5/6/2012 06:25 Day 2::Forecast for wet conditions with a moderate breeze. Lasers and Radial featured classes, follow all action on the live page -  
5/6/2012 05:59 Waiting for Day Two -  
5/6/2012 05:59 Waiting for Day Two -  
5/6/2012 05:59 Waiting for Day Two -  
5/6/2012 05:59 Waiting for Day Two -  
5/6/2012 05:58 Waiting for Day Two -  
5/6/2012 05:58 Waiting for Day Two -  
5/6/2012 05:57 Waiting for Day Two -  
5/6/2012 05:57 Waiting for Day Two -  
5/6/2012 05:57 Waiting for Day Two -  
5/6/2012 05:57 Waiting for Day Two -  
5/6/2012 05:56 Waiting for Day Two -  
5/6/2012 05:56 Waiting for Day Two -  
5/6/2012 05:56 Waiting for Day Two -  
5/6/2012 05:55 Waiting for Day Two -  
5/6/2012 05:55 Waiting for Day Two -  
5/6/2012 05:55 Waiting for Day Two -  
5/6/2012 05:54 Waiting for Day Two -  
5/6/2012 05:53 Waiting for Day Two -  
5/6/2012 05:53 Waiting for Day Two -  
5/6/2012 05:53 Waiting for Day Two -  
5/6/2012 05:52 Waiting for Day Two -  
5/6/2012 05:50 Day One::Long day at the office - the daily round-up for full review -  
5/6/2012 00:48 AP lowered ashore fleet starting to launch. -  
5/6/2012 00:11 Fleet have finally st. -  
4/6/2012 19:41 200055Philipp BUHL won the yellow fleet -  
4/6/2012 19:32 49er 1294 (Dave EVANS/Ed POWYS (GBR))in first 49er 1 (Nathan OUTTERIDGE/Iain JENSEN (AUS)) in second for the yellow fleet -  
4/6/2012 19:16 F10M2- Price starts to windward of Skudina and takes the right. Long port tack and Price is just ahead when they come together near top. -  
4/6/2012 19:15 F10M1- Kjellberg rounds the 1st windward mark about 5 lengths ahead of Goncalves. -  
4/6/2012 19:03 radial Blue win taken by Dongshuang Zhang (CHI) -  
4/6/2012 19:01 Radial 202970 (Evi VAN ACKER/ (BEL))first radial yellow race 2 -  
4/6/2012 18:57 F9M3- Price just ahead of Tunnicliffe as they approach the finish. Overlapped at the zone and both boats gybe. -  
4/6/2012 18:45 Race 2 currently underway. -  
4/6/2012 18:44 49er 10 (Ryan SEATON/Matthew MCGOVERN (IRL))in first 49er 113 (Pavle KOSTOV/Petar CUPAC (CRO))in second 49er 1259 (Jorge LIMA/JosĂ© LUIS COSTA (POR))in third blue race 3. -  
4/6/2012 18:30 Laser Yellow fleet all clear race 1 at 1829 -  
4/6/2012 18:20 Star finish race 1: Star 8433 (Michael HESTBÆK/Claus OLESEN (DEN)) Star 8461 (Richard CLARKE/Tyler BJORN (CAN)) Star 8364 (Flavio MARAZZI/Enrico DE MARIA (SUI)) -  
4/6/2012 18:18 Finn race 1 finish: Finn 11 (Caleb PAINE/ (USA)) Finn 1 (Aleksey SELIVANOV/ (RUS)) Finn 88 (Mark ANDREWS/ (GBR)) -  
4/6/2012 18:15 470s starting to arrive at slipway -  
4/6/2012 17:58 RSX Men 6 (Julien BONTEMPS/ (FRA))in first RSX Men 126 (Przemysaw MIARCZYSKI/ (POL))in second RSX Men 2 (Aichen WANG/ (CHN))in third -  
4/6/2012 17:54 Star 8433 (Michael HESTBÆK/Claus OLESEN (DEN))currently leading -  
4/6/2012 17:51 49er blue fleet all clear start. -  
4/6/2012 17:49 2.4mR 98 (Megan PASCOE/ (GBR))wins the first race -  
4/6/2012 17:47 Finn 11 (Caleb PAINE/ (USA))still in the lead round M2 for the last time in race 1 -  
4/6/2012 17:47 49er 1187 (James PETERS/Ed FITZGERALD (GBR))lead the blue fleet. -  
4/6/2012 17:46 Second race has just started. -  
4/6/2012 17:45 Radial Blue fleet all clear for race 2 at 17.38 -  
4/6/2012 17:45 RSX Men 6 (Julien BONTEMPS/ (FRA))leading the second race -  
4/6/2012 17:44 470 Women race 1 results (Elise RECHICHI/Belinda STOWELL (AUS)) won the 1st race but was BFD, 470 Women 23 (Giulia CONTI/Giovanna MICOL (ITA)) 470 Women 9 (Camille LECOINTRE/Mathilde GERON (FRA)) -  
4/6/2012 17:30 Radial 198219 (Tuula TENKANEN/ (FIN)) first blue radial -  
4/6/2012 17:30 17.30 Radial Yellow start - all clear for race 2 -  
4/6/2012 17:29 Finn 11 (Caleb PAINE/ (USA))first Finn at gate -  
4/6/2012 17:28 RSX men clear start. -  
4/6/2012 17:27 Finn mark rounding 3: Finn 11 (Caleb PAINE/ (USA)) Finn 1 (Aleksey SELIVANOV/ (RUS)) Finn 4 (Zach RAILEY/ (USA)) -  
4/6/2012 17:26 AP lowered for the yellow fleet starting to launch for second race. -  
4/6/2012 17:25 ap lowered for RSX men -  
4/6/2012 17:21 1st 3 Stars round mark 1: Star 8437, Star 8456 (Robert SHEIDT/Bruno PRADA (BRA)) Star 8461 (Richard CLARKE/Tyler BJORN (CAN)) -  
4/6/2012 17:21 Ap displayed for the second race -  
4/6/2012 17:20 Fleet starting to finish 1st race. -  
4/6/2012 17:17 Radial 198385 (Isabella BERTOLD/ (CAN))wins first race today -  
4/6/2012 17:16 First Stars rounding the first mark -  
4/6/2012 17:12 Orange displayed for the second race for the RSX men -  
4/6/2012 17:07 Finn 11 (Caleb PAINE/ (USA))first boat round mark 2 -  
4/6/2012 17:02 49er 1220 (Federico ALONSO/Arturo ALONSO (ESP))leading the race. -  
4/6/2012 17:00 RSX Women 8 (Zofia NOCETI-KLEPACKA/ (POL)) wins the second race RSX Women 5 (Marina ALABAU/ (ESP)) RSX Women 94 (Bryony SHAW/ (GBR))in third. -  
4/6/2012 16:57 Star race 1, start time 16.56 all clear -  
4/6/2012 16:54 race 2 underway start time of 16.41 -  
4/6/2012 16:52 Star class warning, sailing LA2 course -  
4/6/2012 16:48 In sequence for flight 7: FIN-FRA, NZL-NED, GBR-GER -  
4/6/2012 16:45 F6M2 close finish - Groeneveld just pips Leroy. -  
4/6/2012 16:45 WMR: F6M3: Lucy Macgregor (GBR) beat Stephanie Hazard (NZL) #ssfg -  
4/6/2012 16:44 WMR: F6M1: Silja Lehtinen (FIN) beat Silke Hahlbrock (GER) #ssfg -  
4/6/2012 16:42 16.41 Clear Start for 470 Men Yellow -  
4/6/2012 16:41 a slight gap until the Star start due to a shorter start line to the Finn Class -  
4/6/2012 16:38 Finn Race 1 start all clear and underway -  
4/6/2012 16:36 AP lowered for RSX men fleet getting ready to launch. -  
4/6/2012 16:35 Radial Blue start underway -  
4/6/2012 16:33 RSX women clear start at 16:32. -  
4/6/2012 16:30 AP down for the Finn class - 16.35 start time -  
4/6/2012 16:30 RSX women are in a sequence for the second race. -  
4/6/2012 16:28 470 W all clear, start time 16.25 sailing O2 course -  
4/6/2012 16:26 F6m1- Hahlbrock rounds 1st windward mark ahead by a couple of lengths. -  
4/6/2012 16:25 F6M1- split tack. Hahlbrock at the boat end and Lehtinen at the pin. -  
4/6/2012 16:25 F6m2- another split tack start with Groeneveld near the RC boat and Leroy towards the pin. -  
4/6/2012 16:22 Radial Yellow start 16.20 all clear -  
4/6/2012 16:20 49er blue fleet away with an all clear start. -  
4/6/2012 16:16 Fleet ashore after a challenging first race. -  
4/6/2012 16:14 ap lowered on the 49er blue fleet -  
4/6/2012 16:11 recorded 6-7 knots on the Laser course... -  
4/6/2012 16:09 general recall then a black flag start for the 2.4mr all clear start -  
4/6/2012 16:06 WMR: F5M3: Claire Leroy (FRA) beat Stephanie Hazard (NZL) -  
4/6/2012 16:02 RSX Women 15 (Jessica CRISP/ (AUS)) leading RSX Women 8 (Zofia NOCETI-KLEPACKA/ (POL)) in second RSX Women 94 (Bryony SHAW/ (GBR))in third. -  
4/6/2012 16:01 All racing finished for the day. -  
4/6/2012 16:01 WMR: F5M2: Silja Lehtinen (FIN) beat Lucy Macgregor (GBR) -  
4/6/2012 16:00 Breeze is down to 5 knots... -  
4/6/2012 15:58 WMR: F5M1: Renee Groeneveld (NED) beat Silke Hahlbrock (GER) -  
4/6/2012 15:57 F5m3- Leroy has a substantial lead around the leeward mark. The wind was a bit fickle at the top mark and she escaped. -  
4/6/2012 15:57 All racing finished for the day. -  
4/6/2012 15:52 470s Launching -  
4/6/2012 15:52 F5M2- Lehtinen leads Macgregor 5 lengths around the leeward mark. -  
4/6/2012 15:50 470 Women waiting on shore -  
4/6/2012 15:50 RSX Women 8 (Zofia NOCETI-KLEPACKA/ (POL)) in the lead RSX Women 15 (Jessica CRISP/ (AUS))in second RSX Women 6 (Ning WANG/ (CHN))in third. -  
4/6/2012 15:49 F5m3- Leroy clears her penalty near the top of the 1st upwind leg and stays ahead of Hazard. -  
4/6/2012 15:46 wind information - 240 at 7 knots -  
4/6/2012 15:46 F5M1- Groeneveld leads Hahlbrock by 2 lengths around the leeward mark. -  
4/6/2012 15:45 F5M1- Groeneveld leads Hahlbrock by 2 lengths around the leeward mark. -  
4/6/2012 15:44 F5M3- Blue penalty on Leroy for port starboard in pre start with Hazard -  
4/6/2012 15:41 The women have finally started their first race with an all clear start. -  
4/6/2012 15:41 F5M3- Both boats over early - Macgregor does a good job getting back and leads off the line from boat end while Lehtinen is near the pin. -  
4/6/2012 15:37 F5M2- Macgregor and Lehtinen reaching away from the line under the Nothe Fort. -  
4/6/2012 15:36 F5M1- Groeneveld crosses Hahlbrock on port at pin end. -  
4/6/2012 15:36 470 Men AP down -  
4/6/2012 15:35 Groeneveld and Hahlbrock approaching the line to start. -  
4/6/2012 15:32 The sun is coming out -  
4/6/2012 15:28 The AP is down and we are in sequence for flight 5: GER-NED, FIN-GBR, FRA-NZL. -  
4/6/2012 15:23 5-6 knots being recorded by the radio boat -  
4/6/2012 15:22 AP down for 470 women -  
4/6/2012 15:21 AP up for 470 men -  
4/6/2012 15:17 Boats going afloat again, wind coming bakc -  
4/6/2012 15:15 AP lowered fleet now launching. -  
4/6/2012 15:14 Seeing 6 knots of breeze from about 230. Starting to get the course set. -  
4/6/2012 15:13 After the 1st 4 flights: Skudina and Price are 3-0, Tunnicliffe and Echegoyen 2-1, Meldgaard 2-2, Goncalves and Kjellberg 0-4. Others on now -  
4/6/2012 15:01 AP lowered boats getting ready to launch. -  
4/6/2012 14:59 The race committee is repositioning for the new southwesterly breeze that is filling in across the Nothe Course as predicted. -  
4/6/2012 14:56 AP lowered for Star class - 14.52 -  
4/6/2012 14:56 AP lowered for Laser Radial class - 14.52 -  
4/6/2012 14:55 AP lowered for Finn class - 14.52 -  
4/6/2012 14:55 AP lowered for the fleet getting ready to go racing -  
4/6/2012 14:46 rumour has it....the wind may be reappearing! -  
4/6/2012 14:27 Still waiting for the new wind... -  
4/6/2012 14:23 470 Women postponed after no wind allowing them to race. AP over H flying -  
4/6/2012 14:05 AP over H for 470 M blue fleet - sent ashore -  
4/6/2012 14:05 Wind dropped considerably here, plenty of postponements now -  
4/6/2012 14:05 Patience and Bithell win race one in the 470 M blue fleet. followed by 470 Men 165 (Panagiotis K/Efstathios) and 470 Men 83 (Sime FANTELA/Igor MARENIC (CRO)) PAPADOPOULOS (GRE)) -  
4/6/2012 13:52 black flag up for the 470 women - race 1 start -  
4/6/2012 13:47 The RC has put up the postponement flag. It might be a bit of a wait for the breeze. -  
4/6/2012 13:46 Crew changes going on now, but it looks like the wind is fading out. -  
4/6/2012 13:44 470 men blue thrid mark rounding (M1) 1st - GRE165 still in the lead, 2nd - CRO83 Fantela and Marenic, 3rd-GBR863 Patience and Bithell -  
4/6/2012 13:34 470 women getting ready for their first start sequence of the day -  
4/6/2012 13:18 470 blue first mark rounding: 1st- GRE165 Kampourridis&Papadopoulos, 2nd- CRO83 Fantela & Marenic, 3rd - GBR863 Patience & Bithell -  
4/6/2012 13:05 WMR: F4M3: Anna Tunnicliffe (USA) beat Rita Gonçalves (POR) -  
4/6/2012 13:03 Here we go. We're back in sequence for flight 4. 8 knots from _025 -  
4/6/2012 13:00 470M Blue Race 1 start all clear. sailing course I2 -  
4/6/2012 13:00 Warning displayed 5 minutes to start. -  
4/6/2012 12:54 All boats finished race 1. -  
4/6/2012 12:53 All boats finished 1. -  
4/6/2012 12:52 AP over H raised for the RSX men -  
4/6/2012 12:49 470 Men Blue less than 5 minutes until start -  
4/6/2012 12:47 Star Class AP over H - sent back to shore -  
4/6/2012 12:46 470 Men Blue AP down -  
4/6/2012 12:43 Laser Class AP over H - sent back to shore -  
4/6/2012 12:41 Finn Class AP over H - sent back to shore -  
4/6/2012 12:37 Follow the 470s on tracking -  
4/6/2012 12:33 470 yellow final windward mark rounding: RSA10 Asenathi and Hudson in the lead, closely followed by GER55 Wagner and Baldewein and in 3rd - GBR854 Asher and Willis -  
4/6/2012 12:28 Very shifty conditions out there today and not much breeze! -  
4/6/2012 12:06 back up to Mark 2 roundings: GER55 Wagner and Baldewein have taken the lead from their team mates -  
4/6/2012 12:04 Warning displayed on RSX men. -  
4/6/2012 12:02 49er yellow AP raised fleet postponed. -  
4/6/2012 12:00 WMR enjoying excellent racing -  
4/6/2012 11:59 470 Men Blue fleet AP up -  
4/6/2012 11:59 First race finished second race starting. -  
4/6/2012 11:56 Both laser fleets abandoned due to shifty conditions and lack of wind -  
4/6/2012 11:53 WMR: F3M2: Ekaterina Skudina (RUS) beat Rita Gonçalves (POR) -  
4/6/2012 11:53 470 Men Yellow fleet mark 3 roundings:GER 15 Autenrieth and Autenrieth, GER55 Wagner and Baldewein, GBR 832 Burge and Schieber -  
4/6/2012 11:44 Skud-18 13 (Hagar ZEHAVI/Shimon BEN YAKOV (ISR)) black flagged in the first race. -  
4/6/2012 11:41 470 Men Yellow 1st Mark rounding: 470 Men 15 (Julian AUTENRIETH/Philipp AUTENRIETH (GER)) -  
4/6/2012 11:40 FRA RSX Men 6 (Julien BONTEMPS/ (FRA)) in the lead. -  
4/6/2012 11:35 470 yellow fleet heading up to first mark -  
4/6/2012 11:30 11.29 Finn Start all clear -  
4/6/2012 11:28 Laser Blue Race 1 start all clear -  
4/6/2012 11:26 470 M yellow start - clear at 11.25 -  
4/6/2012 11:26 All clear start away first time. -  
4/6/2012 11:24 Laser Blue fleet under black flag for race 1 start -  
4/6/2012 11:22 Finn start general recall - black flag this time -  
4/6/2012 11:21 Black flag displayed for 470 men Yellow fleet start -  
4/6/2012 11:20 Laser Blue fleet in sequence -  
4/6/2012 11:18 470 yellow general recall -  
4/6/2012 11:16 Warning Finn Race 1 -  
4/6/2012 11:15 Finn AP down -  
4/6/2012 11:14 11.12 Laser Yellow fleet away -  
4/6/2012 11:13 1 skud black flagged. -  
4/6/2012 11:08 Anna Tunnicliffe beats Anna Kjellberg -  
4/6/2012 11:08 All clear start. -  
4/6/2012 11:05 AP raised fleet postponed. -  
4/6/2012 11:04 Course L2 for the first race. -  
4/6/2012 11:03 470 AP flag down -  
4/6/2012 11:03 F2M1- Kjellberg leads around the 2nd windward but has a penalty. The run will be all on! -  
4/6/2012 11:01 Laser Yellow fleet warning signal -  
4/6/2012 11:00 Warning displayed course LA. Les -  
4/6/2012 11:00 470 women sailing course I3 -  
4/6/2012 10:59 470 Men Blue fleet sailing course I3 -  
4/6/2012 10:59 Price wins the pin with Meldgaard stuck to leeward. Price in control. -  
4/6/2012 10:59 Orange flag displayed less than 10 minutes to start. -  
4/6/2012 10:59 470 Yellow sailing course 03 -  
4/6/2012 10:57 470 class - orange flag displayed -  
4/6/2012 10:57 F2M1- Tunnicliffe leads around the leeward mark by 1 length. Kjellberg still has penalty. -  
4/6/2012 10:56 Yellow penalty on Kjellberg in pre start with Tunnicliffe. -  
4/6/2012 10:56 orange flag displayed on Laser fleet -  
4/6/2012 10:50 WMR: F1M2: Olivia Price (AUS) beat Rita Gonçalves (POR) -  
4/6/2012 10:32 RS:X Men launching -  
4/6/2012 10:30 10 knots on the Paralympic course. -  
4/6/2012 10:24 checking wind speed and direction out on the course - currently 7-10 knots -  
4/6/2012 10:23 15 boats afloat. -  
4/6/2012 10:22 F1M1- Skudina-RUS just ahead of Kjellberg-SWE around leeward mark. -  
4/6/2012 10:21 WMR well under -  
4/6/2012 10:20 F1M2- penalty on Goncalves-POR in pre start for gybing too close. Price-AUS leads off the line. -  
4/6/2012 10:10 Fleet postponed. -  
4/6/2012 10:09 Fleet postponed due to shifty conditions. -  
4/6/2012 10:03 Fleet starting to launch. -  
4/6/2012 09:51 Fleet starting to launch. -  
4/6/2012 09:49 Fleet starting to launch. -  
4/6/2012 09:42 Fleet starting to launch. -  
4/6/2012 09:40 Fleet starting to launch. -  
4/6/2012 09:09 Ready for the first day of racing at Skandia Sail For Gold 2012 - Pairing lists are ready at the Race Office. -  
4/6/2012 08:51 R/C on station and the Fleet leaving the dock. -  
4/6/2012 06:55 Tracking for the Day::470s and RSXs can be followed live via the tracking link, catch up with all the action on Sail for Gold Radio 87.7 fm -  
4/6/2012 06:44 Day 1::Looks like good breeze from N, dropping later. Featured class, 470s -  
4/6/2012 06:22 Waiting for Race 1. -  
4/6/2012 06:21 Waiting for Race 1. -  
4/6/2012 06:21 Waiting for Race 1. -  
4/6/2012 06:21 Waiting for Race 1. -  
4/6/2012 06:20 Waiting for Race 1. -  
4/6/2012 06:20 Waiting for Race 1. -  
4/6/2012 06:20 Waiting for Race 1. -  
4/6/2012 06:19 Waiting for Race 1. -  
4/6/2012 06:19 Waiting for Race 1. -  
4/6/2012 06:19 Waiting for Race 1. -  
4/6/2012 06:18 Waiting for Race 1. -  
4/6/2012 06:17 Waiting for Race 1 -  
4/6/2012 00:43 R1 results YELLOW flight posted -  
4/6/2012 00:16 470 Men Yellow coming up for final gate -  
4/6/2012 00:11 The wind has died and the RC has the postponement flag up. Waiting for the breeze to pick up before they go again. -  
3/6/2012 23:10 Looking forward to start of racing -  
3/6/2012 22:32 All boats back after practise -  
3/6/2012 18:33 All boats ashore. -  
3/6/2012 18:04 Opening ceremony finished ... -  
3/6/2012 17:22 E6m - WMR- Don't forget the Umpire and Competitors briefing in room 7 (doenstairs in the hangar) at 1800 (after the Opening Ceremonies). -  
3/6/2012 17:13 Getting ready for the opening ceremony. -  
3/6/2012 16:23 waiting -  
3/6/2012 16:22 Racing starts Monday listen on 87.7 fm -  
3/6/2012 16:18 Registration closed -  
3/6/2012 15:54 Opening ceremony 17:30. -  
3/6/2012 15:40 Practice sessions are all done and sailors are getting ready for racing tomorrow. -  
3/6/2012 15:17 Waiting. -  
3/6/2012 15:11 Registration closes at 16:00. -  
3/6/2012 11:36 Team Leaders and Coaches do not forget your meeting at 12:00 in the Spinnakers. -  
3/6/2012 11:08 Boats launching for a sail on the Diamond Jubilee. -  
3/6/2012 10:34 First boats heading out::The sun has now made a welcome appearance and good breeze from SW -  
3/6/2012 09:39 Coaches and Team Leaders briefing::Sunday (12:00) - Spinnakers -  
3/6/2012 09:03 1st Race Monday -  
3/6/2012 09:03 1st Race Monday -  
3/6/2012 09:03 1st Race Monday -  
3/6/2012 09:02 1st Race Monday -  
3/6/2012 09:02 1st Race Monday -  
3/6/2012 09:02 1st Race Monday -  
3/6/2012 09:02 1st Race Monday -  
3/6/2012 09:02 1st Race Monday -  
3/6/2012 09:02 1st Race Monday -  
3/6/2012 09:02 1st Race Monday -  
3/6/2012 09:02 1st Race Monday -  
3/6/2012 09:02 1st Race Monday -  
3/6/2012 09:01 1st Race Monday -  
3/6/2012 07:28 Over cast and quite windy here in Weymouth and Portland -  
3/6/2012 00:21 Change to sailing instructions:: See noticeboard for further details. -  
2/6/2012 20:16 Registration Update:: 609 registered, 266 measured -  
2/6/2012 18:44 Notice Number 1 - Keelboat Craning, all keelboats need to be launched by 5pm Sunday 3rd June.  
2/6/2012 17:58 Weather update:: wind increasing to a steady 48 knots. -  
2/6/2012 16:56 Bridge update ::getting wetter -  
2/6/2012 16:55 Weather Update ::more rain -  
2/6/2012 16:51 More rain -  
2/6/2012 16:48 Now raining -  
2/6/2012 16:45 Wind now gusting 20 knots, may boats now returning for an early tea -  
2/6/2012 16:38 Craotian 49er team practicing. -  
2/6/2012 14:46 Boats returning to shore. -  
2/6/2012 13:01 Weather Update : despite a good 16 knots of breeze from the east we are still experiencing quite misty conditions here -  
2/6/2012 10:05 First boats starting to launch - The fog is starting to lift, from our vantage point at the slipway we can see 470s, Finns and Lasers all heading out for some practice. More... 
2/6/2012 06:07 333 already registered - after a productive first day the admin team are well through the registration process, check the entry list for the latest status per class. Weymouth is wakening to bright skies and for those teams planning to do some practice a moderate breeze from the east is forecast.  
1/6/2012 15:16 Registration and measurement well under way - The team are cracking through the entry entry list, with a third already processed.  
1/6/2012 07:40 Registration and Equipment Inspection Start Today - Many competitors have already arrived and looking forward to a great week of sailing on the Olympic Waters  
26/5/2012 09:59 Entries break through 500 mark - With a last minute flurry of activity we now have 517 boats from 60 Nations with 716 Athletes who have completed their entries.  
22/5/2012 09:34 Online entry now closed for sailors - coaches still have a few more days  
21/5/2012 12:38 Online entry closes tonight - If you wish to enter please do so by midnight (BST)  
29/4/2012 10:28 Discounted entry fee finishes tomorrow - Enter and pay by end of 30/4/12 to get early bird entry fee  
7/1/2012 10:34 Online Entry Now Open - click on enter button  
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