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  Date From Race Committee  
  08/06/2012 14:30:20 Notice to Competitors 26
Notice to All Competitors
  08/06/2012 12:37:54 Notice to Competitors 25
Notice to all competitors
  07/06/2012 15:13:29 Notice to Competitors 24
Notice to All Competitors
  06/06/2012 19:58:33 Notice to Competitors 23
Notice to Radial Competitors
  06/06/2012 19:57:32 Notice to Competitors 22
Notice to Laser Competitors
  06/06/2012 17:44:28 Notice to Competitors 21
Notice to 49er Competitors
  06/06/2012 17:26:26 Notice to Competitors 20
Notice to 470 Men Competitors
  06/06/2012 14:00:16 Notice to Competitors 19
Notice to Competitors 19
  05/06/2012 22:11:40 Notice to Competitors 18
Notice to Laser Competitors
  05/06/2012 19:59:10 Notice to Competitors 17
Notice to 470 Men Competitors
  05/06/2012 19:56:09 Notice to Competitors 16
Notice to Radial Competitors
  05/06/2012 19:55:16 Notice to Competitors 15
Notice to 49er Competitors
  05/06/2012 18:48:30 Notice to Competitors 14
Notice to 470 competitors
  04/06/2012 22:13:02 Notice to Competitors 13
Notice to 470 Men Competitors
  04/06/2012 22:07:59 Notice to Competitors 12
Notice to Laser Competitors
  04/06/2012 22:00:40 Notice to Competitors 11
Notice to Radial Competitors
  04/06/2012 21:59:55 Notice to Competitors 10
Notice to 49er Competitors
  04/06/2012 19:33:24 Notice to Competitors 9
Notice to competitor 470 Men GER 75
  04/06/2012 13:44:04 Notice to Competitors 8
Notice to all competitors
  04/06/2012 09:19:10 Notice to Competitors 7
Notice to all Competitors
  03/06/2012 19:26:58 Notice to Competitors 6
Notice to 470 Men sailors
  03/06/2012 19:23:25 Notice to Competitors 5
Notice to Radial sailors
  03/06/2012 19:19:15 Notice to Competitors 4
Notice to 49er Sailors
  03/06/2012 19:12:32 Notice to Competitors 3
Notice to Laser Sailors
  03/06/2012 12:13:44 Notice to Competitors 2
Notice to all competitors
  02/06/2012 18:44:45 Notice to Competitors 1
Notice to all Keelboat Sailors
Notice number Date From Race Committee  
#16 08/06/2012 16:29:06 Changes to Sailing Instructions 16
Changes to Sailing Instructions 16
#15 08/06/2012 15:44:07 Changes to Sailing Instructions 15
Changes to Sailing Instructions 15
#14 08/06/2012 12:07:58 Changes to Sailing Instructions 14
Changes to Sailing Instructions 14
#13 07/06/2012 18:15:53 Changes to Sailing Instructions 13
Changes to Sailing Instructions 13
#12 07/06/2012 13:49:56 Changes to Sailing Instructions 12
Changes to Sailing Instructions 12
#11 07/06/2012 08:18:50 Changes to Sailing Instructions 11
Changes to Sailing Instructions 11
#10 06/06/2012 15:39:22 Changes to Sailing Instructions 10
Changes to Sailing Instructions 10
#9 05/06/2012 19:00:22 Changes to Sailing Instructions 9
Changes to Sailing Instructions 9
#8 05/06/2012 08:37:17 Changes to Sailing Instructions 8
Changes to Sailing Instructions 8
#7 05/06/2012 08:32:45 Changes to Sailing Instructions 7
Changes to Sailing Instructions 7
#6 04/06/2012 19:57:46 Changes to Sailing Instructions 6
Changes to Sailing Instructions 6
#5 03/06/2012 17:56:28 Changes to Sailing Instructions 5
Changes to Sailing Instructions 5
#4 03/06/2012 17:13:16 Changes to Sailing Instructions 4
Changes to Sailing Instructions 4
#3 03/06/2012 15:35:16 Changes to Sailing Instructions 3
Changes to Sailing Instructions 3
#2 03/06/2012 12:22:01 Changes to Sailing Instructions 2
Changes to Sailing Instructions 2
#1 03/06/2012 12:17:55 Changes to Sailing Instructions 1
Changes to Sailing Instructions 1
  Date From Race Committee  
  09/06/2012 07:47:29 Weather Forecast Saturday 9th June  download
  09/06/2012 06:33:36 Womens Match Racing - Pairing list Saturday 9 June  download
  08/06/2012 16:49:00 Womens Match Racing - Intended plan for Saturday 9 June  download
  08/06/2012 16:16:07 Medal Race Schedule for Skandia Sail for Gold Regatta  download
  08/06/2012 08:53:36 Weather Forecast Friday 8th June  download
  07/06/2012 15:42:08 Womens Match Racing - Thursday Pairing list Stage 4  download
  07/06/2012 10:03:55 Womens Match Racing - Pairing List Thursday 7 June  download
  07/06/2012 09:46:35 Weather Forecast for Thursday 7th June  download
  06/06/2012 18:42:43 Womens Match Racing - Intended Plan Thursday 7 June  download
  06/06/2012 13:36:58 Womens Match Racing Pairing list Wednesday 6 June - updated 1300h  download
  06/06/2012 09:57:31 Jury Notice #3 - SKUD Q&A  download
  06/06/2012 08:37:19 Womens Match Racing - Pairing List for Wednesday 6 June  download
  06/06/2012 07:44:49 Weather Forescast Wednesday 6 June  download
  05/06/2012 18:02:02 Womens Match Racing - Intended plan for Wednesday 5 June 2012  download
  05/06/2012 07:55:27 Womens Match Racing - Pairing List Tuesday 5 June  download
  05/06/2012 07:47:58 Weather Forecast Tuesday 5th June  download
  04/06/2012 19:10:53 Womens Match Racing - Intended Race Plan for Tuesday 5 June  download
  04/06/2012 08:57:52 Course Areas for Monday 4th June  download
  04/06/2012 08:49:01 Jury Notice 1  download
  04/06/2012 08:35:52 Weather Forecast Monday 4th June  download
  04/06/2012 08:18:31 Match Racing - Stage 1 Day 1 Pairing List  download
  03/06/2012 17:52:30 Womens Match Racing Penalties for Damage  download
  03/06/2012 17:50:52 Womens Match Racing  download
  03/06/2012 17:49:45 Womens Match Racing  download
  03/06/2012 17:48:20 Womens Match Racing Flight List MONDAY  download
  03/06/2012 13:29:01 Official VHF Channels  download
  31/05/2012 07:49:08 Match Racing Practice Schedule  download
  29/05/2012 12:56:14 Equipment Inspection Regulations  download
  29/05/2012 10:44:32 Star and Match Racing Weigh In Instructions  download
  29/05/2012 10:32:09 Pre Event Equipment Check Finn  download
  29/05/2012 10:32:09 Pre Event Equipment Check Laser  download
  29/05/2012 10:32:09 Pre Event Equipment Check Radial  download
  29/05/2012 10:32:09 Pre Event Equipment Check 470 Men  download
  29/05/2012 10:32:09 Pre Event Equipment Check 470 Women  download
  29/05/2012 10:32:09 Pre Event Equipment Check 49er  download
  29/05/2012 10:32:09 Pre Event Equipment Check Star  download
  29/05/2012 10:32:09 Pre Event Equipment Check RSX Men  download
  29/05/2012 10:32:09 Pre Event Equipment Check RSX Women  download
  29/05/2012 10:32:09 Pre Event Equipment Check 2.4mR  download
  29/05/2012 10:32:09 Pre Event Equipment Check Skud  download
  29/05/2012 10:32:09 Pre Event Equipment Check Sonar  download
  23/05/2012 10:34:06 Parent Declaration  download
  21/05/2012 15:51:47 Sailing Instructions  download
  21/05/2012 15:50:39 Skandia Sail for Gold Regatta 2012 Site Map  download
  21/05/2012 15:47:26 Amendment to Notice of Race  download
05/01/2012 09:34:38 Notice of Race  download
  Date Sailor Class Nation Nos. Rule  
470 Women
R2 04/06/2012 MRAK 470 Women SLO 64 42.2(a) More..
R1 04/06/2012 HOEGH-CHRISTENSEN Finn DEN 2 42.2(a) More..
R1 04/06/2012 KAYNAR Finn TUR 21 42.2(b) More..
R1 04/06/2012 TRUJILLO Finn ESP 100 42.2(a) More..
R1 04/06/2012 ROBITAILLE Finn CAN 110 42.2(a) More..
R1 04/06/2012 BALDASSARI Finn ITA 123 42.2(a) More..
R5 06/06/2012 FOGLIA Laser URU 187121 42.2(d)

General Recall

R5 06/06/2012 FOGLIA Laser URU 187121 42.2(d) More..
R5 06/06/2012 CRANE Laser USA 194015 42.2(b) More..
R1 04/06/2012 CORNISH Laser GBR 200887 42.2(a) More..
R1 04/06/2012 WEST Laser AUS 201126 42.1

Race abandoned.

R1 04/06/2012 WEST Laser AUS 201126 42.2(a) More..
R1 04/06/2012 ALSOGARAY Laser ARG 201917 42.2(b) More..
R1 04/06/2012 SCHIERUP Laser DEN 202078 42.2(a) More..
R1 04/06/2012 Pellejero Laser ARG 202562 42.2(a)

Race abondoned.

R1 04/06/2012 MERRY Radial CAN 192023 42.2(b) More..
R5 06/06/2012 DROZDOVSKAYA Radial BLR 196986 42.2(a) More..
R1 04/06/2012 WINTHER Radial NZL 199211 42.2(b) More..
R1 04/06/2012 BOUWMEESTER Radial NED 201876 42.2(a) More..
R1 04/06/2012 YOUNG Radial GBR 202411 42.2(b) More..
R1 04/06/2012 VAN ACKER Radial BEL 202970 42.2(b) More..
R3 05/06/2012 SHEIDT Star BRA 8456 42.2(b) More..


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