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  Date Details  
  08/05/2012 15:15:19 Harken Tech Support at Skandia Sail for Gold Regatta
  22/03/2012 10:19:39 Coach Boats Available for Charter
Please find a list of coach boats available for charter.
  08/01/2012 21:18:47 Accommodation Information
Accommodation in Weymouth and Portland
  08/01/2012 21:16:49 About The Venue
The venue for Skandia Sail for Gold Regatta 2012 is Weymouth & Portland National Sailing Academy in Dorset, England.
  08/01/2012 17:36:18 Deliveries To Weymouth and Portland National Sailing Accedemy
You need to notify WPNSA in advance if you are having a package delivered there.
  08/01/2012 17:30:43 Travel Guide To Weymouth
There are several ways to get to Weymouth.

Please see the PDF document to find out which one fits your requirements best.


  Date Accommodation  
  08/01/2012 21:18:47 Accommodation Information
Accommodation in Weymouth and Portland

  Date Travel  
  08/01/2012 17:30:43 Travel Guide To Weymouth
There are several ways to get to Weymouth.

Please see the PDF document to find out which one fits your requirements best.


  Date Sailing/Other  
  08/05/2012 15:15:19 Harken Tech Support at Skandia Sail for Gold Regatta
  22/03/2012 10:19:39 Coach Boats Available for Charter
Please find a list of coach boats available for charter.
  08/01/2012 21:16:49 About The Venue
The venue for Skandia Sail for Gold Regatta 2012 is Weymouth & Portland National Sailing Academy in Dorset, England.
  08/01/2012 17:36:18 Deliveries To Weymouth and Portland National Sailing Accedemy
You need to notify WPNSA in advance if you are having a package delivered there.
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